Saturday, October 1, 2016

- Reveries

Patch #275 Mooning

As in daydreaming ...

Stitching one of nine planets that arrived from Jude Hill via EXOT Blue ...

Hearing my mom singing Shine on Harvest Moon in my mind. She loved to sing.

Thinking about four years ago in Eastern Long Island Hospital where a full moon shone in the window of my father's room. He died just before Hurricane Sandy.

Wondering whether October is the Harvest Moon or not. Well yes and no, depending on which web link I clicked. Could be Harvest Moon, or Hunter's Moon, or even Falling Leaf Moon ... which I particularly liked.

Checking to see when the next full moon will be. Right in the middle of the month, when we'll be in St Louis with my littlest moon child. Perfect.

Deciding the grid on the patch echoes the calendar patches of past months, but no longer numbering the days.

And considering orange ... today we'll see G. I think he'll like this one.


  1. it's fun to name your own moons.
    Mom got real bad around that time. You have me remembering.
    Nice to see those planets in a circle.

    1. Naming things is so much a part of remembering ... in words or symbols both.

      And thanks again ... I love knowing these bits of cloth came from you, from Long Island. I miss beachcombing there.

  2. "Moon River, wider than a mile, I'll be crossing you in style some day..." The plaid patch looks like the grid of a window to see the pumpkin orange moon. Just ordered my first packet of moon patches from Jude yesterday. Looking forward to them arriving. Blessings, dear Liz. Oh, love that word "Reverie!"

    1. Thank you ... your comments always make me smile. I hope you'll join the Kindred Spirits in the blog world so we can see what you do with your patches of cloth!

  3. Awe, what a sweet thing to say! I would like to join...however, I do not have a blog. Have thought about it. Is there another way I could show what I am working on (when I get to it - LOL!)?

    1. You could send to my email ... I'd be happy to either look at it between us or share it here in a post.


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