Saturday, November 5, 2016

- What's in a name

Patch #310 Red letter day

Years ago, when I was the Needleworker at Colonial Williamsburg, my father suggested that I create a stylized signature in stitch. A brand, if you will, although I don't think he called it that.

In hindsight, this wasn't a surprising suggestion as he was a marketing exec for a toy company and worked on Madison Avenue. However, my modus operandi at the time was cross stitch and I wasn't able to see my way out of the figurative box that format imposed.

Indeed, I neglected signing my work more often than not. And when I did, it was arguably "over-wrought" as these two samplers amply depict ...

So today I was faced with signing a newly completed gift and once again found myself supremely dissatisfied with the result. As I tore out the stitches, I thought about my recent forays into eccentric lettering and started to play ...

At long last, I actually liked what I saw ... 

and went with it ...


  1. ah the art of lettering... I would add the ckert as it reads Liza

    1. alternatively a wrap stitch on the A in a contrasting thread or a shadow to define it or unpick the A and love it over by 2 mm

    2. Freudian typo move with love

  2. Love this string of comments ... so the back story is that my dad's nickname for me was Liza Jane.

  3. i am so slipshod...i just write gF with a pen somewhere on the back....

  4. i found that my zodiac symbol and initials were the same, the VJ, so that i ran with.

  5. I love the "ack" above your lovely lettered name.

    1. Very apt ... an expression I use way too often when hyper-blogging as I have an insane tendency to swipe post drafts into oblivion (to which Don usually responds "Really? Again?")


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