Wednesday, December 7, 2016

- Starshine

Patch #342 Morning memory

This is what I remember from a week and a half ago ... waning crescent, morning star in an early morning sky. Recalled this morning by a song in my head ... Good Morning Starshine.

Ah well, not all memories are golden. I mean seriously, look at these lyrics ...

Of course, with my hearing, most lyrics sound like nonsense. Which got me thinking of this ...

which (inevitably?) led to ...

Apologies if I've left you with an unwanted song in your head. With me it's a chronic condition. For those of you new to the blog, you can learn a little more about it here:

My afternoon star was just as silly ...

And just in case you missed it, the first week of December has already flown by ... 

and you know what that means.


  1. I love seeing your patches sewed together. They are as compelling as Girl Scout badges, which have a jewel-like quality.

    1. Thanks Dana ... the Girl Scout badge thought has crossed my mind, too. Having been a scout long ago and far away, I must say I like patches of my own creation even better. Now I'm thinking, what would a table setting patch look like? Hmmmm ...

  2. wow no 342, you are nearly finished patching your year!

    1. And an equal number of posts ... I didn't know I could do it and now I can't imagine not doing it. I'm beginning to let myself imagine what's next.

  3. I love seeing your patches and your thoughtful commentary. My mother sang the Mares eat Oats song to me when I was small, finishing it off with "a kid'll eat ivy too, wouldn't you". However, I rather love the "wooden shoe'" idea! Happy December to you! 🎄⭐️🎄

  4. Thanks Suzanna ... my mom sang this to me, too. Best wishes of the season to you, too!

  5. amazing year of effort! so impressed. you have come up with squares for every mood, weather, sky, relation...

  6. Dee - I didn't know how I'd come up with something new every day, but life has been kind.

  7. I love all of these songs. My mama sang the "wouldn't you" version to me too...and then to my son. I remember as a kid replaying those lyrics in my head over and over, completely fascinated at that jumble!

  8. Nancy - I don't remember my mom teaching me the "real words" to Mairzy Doats ... but I do remember loving the silliness of it.

  9. Mmmm...who is to know what the 'real words' were? I just know what was sung to me :)

  10. Checked out a website "" - on the day I was born, there was a waning crescent. Not sure about a star - only the star that was born that day. Ha Ha.

  11. Ha! Love that I can now put a face and a voice to your words!


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