Monday, May 30, 2016

- All over the place

Retrospective (6/3/2016)

I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that dyeing with plants yields organic forms. Even so, Patch #150 and Patch #151 delight me with their earthiness ...

I was of two minds about whether to embellish them with stitch or leave well enough alone, so I decided to have it both ways.

Original Post

I've been really scattered today ... too many projects, too little time. So what did I do? Started another project, of course.

Here's my first stab at some mending inspired by Junko Oki ...

I really like the look, but I'm going to have to call this agita stitch because it made me extremely jittery as I worked it. Or maybe I just drank too much coffee.

So I settled myself down with a seam-stitching project, since I (finally) finished the strip of April patches ...

Now I just have to figure out how to make weather patches for rainy nights followed by sunny days. However, I can't count on enlightenment from the forecasters or the weather apps ...

I'm going back to weather watching the old fashioned way: looking out the front door ...

and reading the thermometer myself ...


  1. the stitching/mending is Beauty FULL..Very Very NICE....perfect for the
    and the patches...Look at This....really Great too....

    1. Two shirts worn bare from constant use, now finding new life as one reinforces the other.

  2. your patchworked days are growing together beautifully

    1. Never say never (as I once did about patchwork and quilting). Turns out you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

      And Junko Oki has long been in my mind, dating back to a blog post of yours when you got one of her books.

  3. Love, love the mending! The patchwork pieces are super too.

  4. Wow, love your delicate white flowers and the earthy toned stitching is so very rich with texture, I imagine it being made into a royal gown.

    1. I tea-dyed some white floss a while back ... it matched perfectly. And thanks for the vision ... I grin as I imagine how long it would take to embellish a gown. Your 3 1/2" squares are more my speed!


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