Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Back on track for the moment

I've been working on a project that just didn't work out ... a baby quilt knockoff of something my daughter saw and liked. "I can do that!" I said. Wrong.

So I'm back on the peace pin track ...

sending out watery blues (indigo dyed linen, above) and greens (not shown because the camera could not capture it to my satisfaction). They are headed to Hunter in Hawaii and Carol in Indiana.

With especial thanks to Carol who reminded me of this New York Times article from last November 
that first put the safety pin idea in my head.

I received in turn a "care package" from Fiona Dempster in Australia (who hopefully has not been affected by the recent cyclone) ...

Even the envelope was a joy to behold! If you haven't already, I very much commend her blog to your attention:

I also heard from Dee that her pin arrived in Massachusetts ... her email arriving on a day when I had lost sight of finding joy. Reminding me when I needed reminding.

On the brighter side, Spring has drawn us out of the house for many more hours, in spite of the pollen counts. And it's not all work, as we introduced G to the gentle art of kite flying last week ...

being sure to point out the perils of kite-eating trees ...

And here's the latest view of the mealy blue sage bud that I've been photographing for the past few weeks ...

Imagine them by the hundreds ... drought and deer resistant, blooming in spring and fall ... they are a true gift of the land. Once they make a mass appearance, I'll try to capture an image of them to share here.


  1. The photo of Don and Griffin, Don looking skyward, the anticipatory glee on Griffin's face gave me goosebumps of joy!

    Liz, Fiona's words Hope, Care and Kindness wrap around all of us who receive your peace pins.

    Looking forward to the photo of your upcoming blooming meadow of mealy blue sage. Here color not so forthcoming but next month, we do have a large Spanish Broom plant in our backyard and await its splendorous burst of yellow.

  2. Marti and Grace -

    I highly recommend kite flying to one and all ... I had forgotten how much simple joy there is to be had.

  3. Good Morning Liz
    I'll proudly wear your pin as soon as it arrives.

    In Northern Indiana Spring is just arriving. Really, it's a time I don't like much. Oh, the flowers are just poking through the dirt and the earliest will bloom soon. But there is so much of the winter debris that needs to be cleaned away and it's not quite warm enough to be outside yet. I feel like everything is on hold, waiting for the sun.
    xx, Carol

  4. Oh, my gosh. You made my day. Just knowing that you're thinking of me makes me so appreciative and happy.

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness and your friendship.


  5. Oh "Let's go fly a kite!" from the film "Mary Poppins"when we were little

  6. Carol -

    Wishing you some Texas sunshine ... although it comes with a whomping dose of pollen!

  7. Hunter -

    Just thinking about my bit of linen flying over the Pacific makes my day, too!

  8. Mo -

    Mary Poppins was the first movie that made me cry ... especially the ending!

  9. It's so great to see your peace pins here & then in other parts of the world. I just saw Mo's at her place.
    & kites! Sometimes when I was stressed in college I would go kite flying in the big park next door. Always cheered the soul.

  10. Hazel -

    The peace pin project has been a marvel ... every so often someone new finds their way to the original post and rather than worrying about how to get it done (which would have been my response in the past), I receive each new comment as a gift. Hopefully this will go on for some time to come.

  11. My pin is so so exquisite and it will get its own post this weekend. It is up on a high shelf for now because the dog loves fabric, as in to eat, and the weather has been too shitty to wear it. As an object it is so very lovely (how do you stitch so small?), as a symbol it is so moving, and as an actual tangible connection between like minded friends -- beyond good!

  12. Dee -

    Thank you ... I must confess design isn't my strong suit, but tiny stitching makes my heart sing. Here's to the threads that bind us in the best way.

  13. Mo said what I thought, or shall I say was singing in my head!

  14. Nancy - I'm pleasantly surprised by how many posts in blog land trigger musical responses


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