Monday, March 20, 2017

Out of order

Addendum: Link to peace pin arrival here ...

The latest peace pin is ready to go to Dee Mallon ...

because I came across some thimble-flower dyed indigo (above) and a bit of onion-dyed cloth (below) that had the faintest trace of a heart ...

which matched up with Dee's recent post on Pattern and Outrage

What happened was I've been organizing (read kid-proofing) in anticipation of Easter visits from some of our favorite little folks (and their parents). As a result, I took a large load of stuff to Goodwill today ...

making room for a new cloth organizational method (more on that later).

Anyway, in the course of going through my cloth stash I also came across this asemic practice scrap ...

from my Hearts for Charleston contribution ...

So, for those of you who came before Dee on the peace pin giveaway, fear not. You are not forgotten, but sometimes cloth calls for one's attention sooner rather than later.

And for those who are relatively new to the blog, you can learn more about Dee's Hearts for Charleston project here:

as well as my own contribution to the Hearts project here:


  1. This is beautiful Liz, I'm sure Dee will love it too!
    I'm wondering what a thimble flower is??
    Off to follow your links - thanks!

  2. I find serendipitous connections interesting...wondrous really. A perfect match.
    xx, Carol

  3. Gill -

    Thimble flowers, aka Mexican hats, aka Prairie coneflowers ... all incredibly apt names for the same wildflower. This year's bloom should be incredible as we've had much rain and a mild winter, with a couple of very hard freezes (which some wildflowers need).

    My favorite place to learn about our local wildflowers is the Ladybird Johnson National Wildflower Center in Austin. We are incredibly lucky to have that resource so close at hand, but they also have an excellent search engine for information on wildflowers across the US:

  4. Carol -

    As wondrous as these connections are, there was yet another connection made yesterday ... with Fiona in Australia ( That story will wait until another day, but it bears mentioning that she and Barry (whose blog inspired the peace pin giveaway are both sources of much inspiration. I commend their blogs to you and others.

  5. Mo -

    A word you gave me ... among many other things

  6. What a fun and inspirational post. And what treats someone will find at Goodwill!

    Sending you light and Aloha from Maui,


  7. what a beautiful surprise to see!! so unexpected. I'd missed out in the proper time to speak up and to be gifted anyway -- thank you, Liz. Thank you so so much! (too bad I won't have it in time to wear to the impeachdonaldnow meeting I'll be attending tonight -- and too bad, too, there will be soooooooo many more opportunities to wear it!)

  8. Hunter -

    After I dropped off the bags I went inside and promptly bought 4 linen shirts. I need to follow your good example and not buy anything new for a year (at least!)

    Dee -

    There's no deadline on imagining peace ... I'm hoping it will go on and on

  9. Great post, as usual! Regarding Good it forward, pay it now - all benefits in their own time and way. Blessings, sweet friend.

  10. Sue -

    I've always liked the concept of paying it forward. And Goodwill.

    Blessings back ...


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