Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The best laid plans

Fiona Dempster posted recently about how she plans ...

As always, I loved seeing the process. And if you've been with me a while, you know that Fiona's process has been inspirational in the past ...

Her use of upper case lettering within undulating lines fascinated me, ultimately leading to my own work on Hearts for Charleston ...

Which is all by way of saying how I came to try replicating that technique whilst making a peace pin for Fiona ...

But in the end, it just didn't feel right ...

So when this beautiful piece of Poppies arrived, I found myself going in a different direction ...

Soft gray linen with a variegated floss called "soot" ...

 that reminded me of Fiona's letterpress post ...

Backed with madder ... all part of a call and response ...

where the plan evolved into something better.


  1. Grace -

    Too true ... but I am wrapped a bit tight

  2. I like the lower case letters. Perhaps we have been groomed by social media to think that capital letters are shouting and lower case lend serenity to the words.
    xx, Carol

  3. grey softens the glare of the world like morning mist

  4. Carol ... An interesting observation which feels true

    Mo ... I sent both of them anyway. Perhaps Fiona will hang the white one in her peace tree where it can soften in the mountain mist

  5. So beautiful. I treasure my pin and have received so many beautiful comments about it. Everyone who sees the pin automatically smiles.

    Aloha and hugs.


  6. Thank you Hunter ... you made my day!

  7. Hi Liz - so thoughtfully done - such energy and peace impeded in the pins - such vehicles for sending a little more peace into the world. B

  8. Oh Liz! Barry just showed me this and I love the call and response...the way we move from this to that, to back again and inch by inch we find our way to the right path. And then we sit with it, and quietly know. The thought and care that go into each of your pins is so beautiful - I am beyond belief excited to think they are heading our way...go well.

  9. Barry and Fiona -

    I can't thank you enough for the inspiration that both of you provide on your blogs and the generous gifts of peace that you send out into the world. To be able to send something in return is a gift to self, too.


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