Saturday, April 15, 2017

Wascally wabbit

Getting ready for an Easter gathering.

Picking mealy blue sage and grasses for the tables ...

Dyeing blown eggs in a vinegar/water steam bath with an old silk scarf (red), mealy blue sage (green-ish egg on the right), red cabbage (blue-ish egg to the left) and lots of onion skins (rich browns) ...

Our porch garden (mostly) defanged ...

with the very spiny chollas replaced by less hazardous succulents ...

and the converted chaise planted with a second crop of herbs and lettuces ...

One of Don's woodplay efforts landed in a planter ...

Speaking of Don ...

I'm thinking our guests tomorrow will be delighted ...


  1. the eggs are Wonder FULL!!!!

    don't forget to leave the carrot!

  2. Thanks Grace ... our local bunny has a sweet tooth, so more likely I'll be putting out some Simnel cakes and a little wine tonight.

  3. Hi Liz. Happy Easter.
    Great way to dye eggs. I like how you re-created the lounger. How cool that both your husband and you are equally creative. I have that too!
    xx, Carol

  4. Gorgeous eggs! The sage and grass bouquets will be the perfect touch; the kind of floral arrangment I love best.

  5. Your post gave me such joy today. Thank you so much. It means more than I can say. Hunter

  6. I do know how to spell arrangement but my proofreading skills could use some help. And I forgot to say that Don's work with the paint brush is delightful.

  7. Hi L - very creative colouring; and those imaginative habit print - all looks set for a bit of fun. Enjoy Texas style. B

  8. Thanks all ... please forgive my lack of individual responses, but we're "recovering" from hosting 15 adults and 7 children yesterday. A fun time was had by all (as a picture walk will show) and we're hoping to do it again next year.

    When it was all over and I asked G what his favorite part of the day was, he replied without hesitation, "Bunny prints."

  9. Jude -

    Thanks ... I actually blew the eggs 7 or 8 years ago when we first moved to Texas. I was especially taken by the Americauna chicken eggs which were a beautiful pale green (and also made the best baked goods). Sadly, the color faded over the years, so the dyeing has given them new life.

  10. We did the silk dyed eggs last year, love them. Used up all the silk ties my spouse would part with so we didn't do them this year. Time to do resale shops and garage sales to be ready for next year.


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