Monday, July 31, 2017

Happy birthday J!

From my daughter's Facebook post ...

J's birthday cake request was for Strawberry Shortcake from the book Cook-a-Doodle-Doo by Janet Stevens (a perennial read-aloud favorite when I was an elementary school librarian and now a go-to storybook with my grandkids) ...

in which the great grandson of the Little Red Hen bakes a cake with the help of his friends ...

and they all lived happily ever after ...


  1. this is just Great....their COOKING/BAKING/SHARING!!!

  2. A wonderful way to celebrate a birthday, bringing friends in to share in the making of the celebration treat. How terrific that J used a recipe from a special cookbook. When our girls were seven, they were given the Nancy Drew Cookbook for their birthday and many a happy meal was made, especially one memorable meal for their grandparents. At age seven, my Mother was astounded that I would let the girls go near an oven as she didn't let me or my sister into the kitchen until we were teenagers! I love that J is already in the kitchen.

    Happy Birthday J and may I say that you have a very cool apron...

  3. Grace - Can't wait to see pictures of Julian and Destiny with you at the Hill

    Marti - I let my kids in the kitchen, too ... but I was far too much the perfectionist. J's mom has patience that far exceeds mine and the results speak for themselves as another recent accomplishment was J rolling out an entire batch of fresh pasta.

  4. as one of my boys'd say: ADORBS!

  5. BD Blessings J! Sweet pictures - thanks for sharing!

  6. Dee and Sue - Thanks for joining the party!

  7. awww, so patiently awaiting my turn to be a grandmom.

  8. Thanks Cathy ... recent grandparenting has left me with virtually no time for stitching and blogging ... and I am absolutely okay with that. May your wait be short and well spent.

  9. Just wonderful! Your heart must feel so full...xo


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