Saturday, August 26, 2017

So far, so good

Monday morning update: 7.7" total ... and the rain has stopped for now. While that may sound like a fair bit, it fell so slowly and steadily that the ground was able to soak it all up. We even saw a bit of blue sky and the sun setting in the west last night ...

Sadly, the storm continues to pound our neighbors to the east with no end in sight. There will be much work to do.

Sunday morning update: 4.65" of rain yesterday, 1.8" overnight. No wind damage. We'll continue to keep our fingers crossed.

Hurricane Harvey has been kind to our corner of the Hill Country so far: a couple of inches of rain and some natural tree pruning courtesy of 20-30 mph winds ...


  1. Thanks for this updage Liz and may it go easier and safer for all...

  2. Update, not updage...but I know you understood.

  3. so glad you put this here...
    you are so on my mind as it goes

  4. are closer to the coast than i imagined. could you get the inches/feet of rain they say is possible?

  5. Glad that your land and you are safe with little damage. So much more rain will be falling in days ahead - hoping that safety for the masses is managed well.

  6. I was just going to email you, so thank you for this update. So happy to hear you didn't get the brunt of this storm. I'm glued to the horrific images on my T.V. Stay safe!

  7. I'm glad you and your property are safe. The pix coming out of Texas are so, so horrific.

  8. This is a very sad time for Texas. I'm so glad that your family is not seeing the worst of it.

  9. It's all so big. Good to know you are safe.

  10. So glad you're weathering safely. Sending thoughts for all of you, ox

  11. Thank you all for your thought-full words of hope and presence ... how ironic that the storm that wreaked such havoc has brought cool winds and wildflowers to our land.


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