Monday, September 25, 2017

Sometimes you've just gotta ...

... say "wow, thank you" to kindred spirits like Gillan
(from Hearts for Charleston) ...

... marvel at dye magicians like Deb Lacativa 
(for Cassini threads and cloth) ...

... and shout ...

"What do we want?
Health care!
When do we want it?

loud enough to make it onto the local news 

Although, as often happens, they only got the story half right. I was certainly in front of Senator Cruz's office to demonstrate for a "no" vote on Graham-Cassidy (which Cruz might do ... for all the wrong reasons). But keep my health care the way it is? No thank you at $25k per year, plus $12k deductible!

"ACA ... mend it, don't end it!"

And sometimes you've just gotta stitch how trees might be ... 

as in this study for The Land as the Crow Flies ...

made possible by wild peace floss.


  1. just such a GOOD SOLID YES!!!! to everything here...all of it
    YES ....................YES
    i can see that heart beat

    and isn't it just totally amazing how the thread makes it all
    come ALIVE with a yes of Tree ness

    YES! and YAY for today!

  2. tried the link...wouldn't come up for me right now, but

    Bless you, Miz Liz. Bless your Heart!

  3. Best way to get fame that I know, you live, Si Se Puede.

  4. speaking up, speaking out, sending peace around the globe..Liz, your words today, the photos and the link filled my morning read with pure delight.

  5. love seeing the big hearted gifts from Gillan, you on the news & especially your trees stitched so beauitfully with Deb's wild peace threads!

  6. Go Liz!! You're right, the ACA needs some help for people who are not quite to Medicare. Mike and I struggled mightily between his retirement and his sixty-fifth birthday. Keep on Senator Cruz's case, on any number of issues. Your hearts and your trees are so touching. Go Liz!

  7. I can never grasp fully the US Medical system - but it needs to be fairer all round it seems to me (and I shall leave commenting on other countries' systems right there) so yay you for shouting out. And yes to the sharing of good things around the globe - the generous hearts of many.

  8. You rock! & love for your wild trees.

  9. Marti - We also chanted for the Dreamers

    Kristin - I always smile when you come by

    Mo - Dana's "wild peace" is growing in me!

    Dana - please see my reply to Mo (above)

    Fiona - politics boggle my mind ... love your Thursday thought for today

    Hazel - from one tree lover to another


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