Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What's in a word

I mentioned copyright recently in the context of using someone else's words. But can one copyright a single word or two?

Not wanting to take things to extremes, but also respecting whatever privacy may be reasonably expected, I've chosen to pluck individual words from the various Peace Pin Project comments without attribution.

And so these bits of Ulrike (Nemo Ignorat) dyed cloth gifted by Mo, carry individual words of peace ...

and will eventually be seen asemically anyway (ha, the autocorrect is having fits) ...

although some are more scrutable than others (I'm having fun with words today).


  1. (((Liz))) I love your librarian's care for provenance, Ulrike is a treasure!

  2. how well it is that I, too am familiar with the issue of provenance - ran a rural library on an Indian reservation for 12 years....always careful are we with such a history in our bones...words, though, in small bit are not, imho, copyright-able.

  3. Mo - thank you for being my source

    Kristin - you are even more a kindred spirit than I realized


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