Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Word matters (part 2)

So, I've never been a big fan of my own handwriting. Somehow the letters always end up different sizes and there's no consistency in their formation. A calligrapher I will never be.

But I did pick up one very useful tip in my middle school library teaching days: don't even try to align letters on a bulletin board ... stagger them instead.

Both these truths are realized here ...

Heck, even when I draw a guideline (here done in water-erasable pen), I can't manage to follow it. But at least the lettering is uniquely mine. And I'm very happy with my new set of permanent markers, purchased on sale from Dick Blick. They are 0.05 mm (half the width of an XS Pitt pen) which is fine enough to hide behind the single-strand split backstitching I favor (aka "splitting hairs" in Jude Hill's lexicon) ...

Speaking of Jude, I have to credit her "Flower Power" post 
with pulling this peace patch out of my brain (where it's been germinating for a while) and onto a piece of indigo shibori ... not exactly tie-dye, but close enough. 

A couple of seams later, I had the latest peace shawl patch ...

which I like even better on the b-side ...

P.S. I always wanted to be a hippie, but I missed the boat by a few years. Still, my kids and grandkids might argue otherwise, especially after receiving the books detailed here: 


  1. Mo and Grace ... this one is flying from my fingers

  2. it's something, isn't, when IT wants so much to Become....

  3. And Deb Lacativa's bits of magic are clamoring to be a part of it

  4. I've long been fascinated with discerning process by looking at the backs of others' work

  5. Liz! This is just wonderful! I am always in awe of your talent in stitching tiny words.
    I learned that lettering trick, too, and the one of tearing edges rather than trying to cut them straight.

  6. Hazel - The gift of torn edges ... where would we be without it? In fact, the cotton/linen cloth I'm using the edge the patches tears with ease (unlike many linens that fight every tug of the way)


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