Monday, October 16, 2017

Dream state

When I first thought about how it might go with Mo's pennon, I envisioned it stitched in words from John Lennon's Mind games including the lyric "love is the answer." I even went so far as to track down the copyright holder in order to request permission to use the lyrics in their entirety.

Of course, it didn't quite go in that direction. Instead, the cloth shreds emerged and began populating the space.

But as the shreds reached a critical mass, my mind returned to the original thought ... with a twist. What if I used Old Man Crow's lyrics? 

So I asked for and received permission to use the words from Rod Morgan's I dream of a world and set to work. 

As posted yesterday, first the pennon was dyed with windfall lichen, which gave it a beautiful golden glow ...

Then I plotted out on paper how the lyrics might fit onto the pennon ...

and finally began to stitch the vision into reality ...

I'm thinking this may take a while.


  1. What a glowing, beautiful gold you achieved with your lichens! And what a good idea to use Rod's lyrics. You are on your way to a powerful contribution. Practically speaking, I am glad to see that the fabric "took" the natural dye. I have been worried about the lurking possibility of polyester or some synthetic fiber in the cloth that would prevent their use in this project. A sixty year old "vintage" wedding dress could contain such things, remembering the flood of polyester clothing in the seventies. Strange to think of myself as vintage, but I guess I am.

  2. Grace - Today has been a very good day

    Dana - I suspect the satin is a combination of natural and synthetic fiber ... and yes, we are vintage and I love that!

  3. (((Liz))) the lichen gives the cloth such a warm glow & Rod is over the moon with delight!

  4. love how the lichen dyed the cloth, an amazing project! so exciting

  5. Mo - please deliver some hugs to Rod for me ... I'm loving his words

    Susan - Thanks ... I'm pretty excited, too

  6. Liz...using Rod's words is genius...the color of the cloth simply amazing and everything about your work in this pure perfection...what a most glorious and successful work.

  7. Kristin - thank you for such kind words ... I feel like a channel for this creation, going where it takes me

  8. Dearest Liz, Finally got a chance to sit down and scroll thru all I've been missing on your blog. Loving the words you are stitching on bits of fabric with Deb's dyed threads. I ordered some from her too, but sadly I can't find what i did with them. I guess that means I'm collecting too much fibery goodness and I need to start using some of it Ha ha. You always come up with such unique design ideas with wonderful deep feeling words to go with them. I hope you know how much you are admired by all! Much love coming your way. xoxox

  9. Deb - I am humbled to find such kind words from someone I much admire ... thank you. And I too have fiber MIA (some of Jude's indigo moons)


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