Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Yes we can ...

We must do something. More and more, for me that means calling my members of congress and leaving messages with their phone answering staff. Today my plea was simple: please support legislation banning assault weapons.

Then I stitched a bit of cloth for Mo's project I dream of a world where love is the answer (to which there is now a link in the right sidebar). Words given to me by Marti in a recent comment ...

si se puede

An echo of a more hopeful time. 

We owe at least that much to the next generation. Which leads me to happier thoughts. I made a couple of baby bandannas for P using 12" squares of flannel folded diagonally in half, stitched up the sides, turned right side out, then Velcro-ed back and front ...

using this new (to me), lighter weight Velcro ...

with delightful results ...

And here, as promised, is the final result of the collaborative effort Don and I undertook for the nursery (not including the mobile, which my daughter found on Etsy) ...

If only life could be this simple ...


  1. (((Liz))) you are such a true heart stitching peace into our beautiful broken world stitch by stitch

  2. amidst all of Everything, there's this...the
    Taking Care of what we can.

    she's changing so...

  3. In the midst of the unfathomable, life continues: It continues not without awareness but with the constancy of meeting each day with hope and determination; with acknowledgement and kindness; with multicolored stitched words of resolve (Deb's amazing spirit filled threads here are incredible when stitched into words); with a sweet garland of a Grandmother's love; with a stunning yet delicate pieced wood wall hanging of a devoted Grandfather.

    At the end of the day, what resides in our hearts, what enables us to begin anew each day is LOVE and it encompasses all and everything.

  4. My fingers dare to stitch hope for our world ...

  5. Liz your fingers do stitch hope..one pin at a time now held and pinned by refugees in my community. They see and feel the love your are sharing, one stitch at a time. Bless you for the gift of peace, sent lovingly here for me to share.

  6. Those eyes, Miss P! Serenity abides in her little room.

  7. Kristin - you are doing the heavy lifting ... I am humbled to be a small part of it

    Saskia - thanks

    Sue - yes, the eyes have it


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