Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Letting go of a dream

I think it's done ...

although I'm hard pressed to say which is the back and which is the front ...

Either way, it has gathered Texas sun and wind into its being whilst holding words from Old Man Crow, Terry Tempest Williams, Wendell Berry, John Lennon, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Dee Mallon, Marti in New Mexico, and Mo herself ...

along with cloth and threads dyed by Ulrike Bogdan (Nemo Ignorat), Hazel Monte (Handstories), Deb Lacativa (More Whiffs, Glimmers & Left Oeuvres), Dee Mallon (Pattern and Outrage), Glennis Dolce (Shibori Girl), and my own hand ...

Then it made one last visit to Austin ...

where I told G the story of the cloth and the gifts to and from Mo ...

For Mo sent me a gift beyond measure: The Key Book, written about as she made it:
and now seen here in Texas on the cover of The Illustrated Lyrics of Old Man Crow ...

together with a woven shell from the Outer Banks of North Carolina one last time ...

The pennon called Mo's Dream is now ready to whirl away ...


  1. From around the world, this pennant is holding so much: holding your heart and creativity in every stitch Liz, holding beautifully dyed cloth strips, holding words that matter but most of all, holding the fact that this cloth was shared with Griffin, who saw, who listened, who maybe even touched... his spirit is in this cloth and that is what makes this so unforgettably moving for children are the dream, love and hope for our world.

  2. it's so Perfect.

    i'm waiting patiently for how to do this. Nothing coming yet.

  3. All those gathered pieces , all that gathered peace, its ready to fly now so much hope and beauty

  4. your piece is so inspiring, love everything about it!

  5. Marti - yes, for the children

    Grace - the hill will surely whisper to your cloth

    Anna Lisa - hope is so much a part of this

    Susan - thank you, I love that this cloth carries forward the work of so many others

  6. (((Liz))) wow! Wow! WOW! with tears of gratitude and goosebumps of wonder

  7. Whispers across the globe, building into a shout! Thank you for sharing its story..

  8. Mo - thank you for including me in this wonderful collaboration

    Wendy - I can't wait to see what is brewing elsewhere!

  9. The pennant is beyond amazing - priceless. Think its safe to say we kindred spirits appreciate all the love that you stitched into its very being.

  10. Sue ... thank you ... as Mo would say, love is the answer

  11. It's just grand and full. I would love to see it fluttering in the wind. The winds of change!

  12. Hazel ... I can’t wait to see it in Australia!!

  13. Oh Liz...this is just wonderful. I love the loose quality of the stitched fragments, like prayer flags that are meant to send their dreams out upon the wind for the world to share. Its perfect.

  14. Thank you Dana ... I was amazed at how the raw edges held even as I spent hours stitching words onto them


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