Monday, November 27, 2017


We've been working the land, which has made for a long dry spell both stitch and blog-wise. But on Thanksgiving day I was determined to do at least one small thing, so I asked G for some help.  

"I've got this new cloth with lots of colors. What should I use?"

G considered and chose "the purple right here."

"Well then, what thread should I use?"

"Orange, like a longhorn."

Well, of course. So as we "rested" I stitched my recollection of 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that a long-ago boss particularly liked because it is often misconstrued as "be thankful for everything no matter what" but makes more sense as:

"Be thankful in all things"

And among many other things, I am indeed thankful that I connected with FASA: Fiber Artists of San Antonio
who had a "cobweb sale" at their last monthly meeting. There I found Jean Dahlgren 
selling $5 bags of hand-dyed cloth ...

and a room-full of living breathing kindred spirits. And when I learned that they had Elaine Lipson (yes, she of The Slow Cloth Manifesto
at FASA's last monthly meeting, I wondered why I've waited so long.  

Anyway, getting back to Thanksgiving. G and I also crafted a cherry pie together (it's the one with the circles on top) ...

Sadly, dinner didn't make it on to the photo roll as we were too busy eating, drinking, and making merry. But a post-dinner lap nap ...

and a first-ever ukulele lesson, complete with rousing rendition of Old MacDonald had a Farm ...

were captured for posterity.

Last, but far from least, we returned home to find this waiting for us in the mail ...

a hand-wrought gift of fall foliage from Pam, a long-time friend who (with husband Wade) recently made the trek from their home in Colorado to visit us in the Hill Country. I envy her fall leaves ...

and hope we'll get to experience the beauty of their place someday.

Now "we've got to get ourselves back to the garden" ...


  1. such a beautiful post, beautiful collaborations abound, love the tender moment caught holding your grandbaby & finishing with Joni getting back to the garden as Old Man Crow & I get ready to go and do some nearly summer gardening!

  2. Looking at all of these photos, what comes to mind is the word abundance. Abundance, not in the material sense, but in the loving, familial sense of time together, listening to a grandchild, baking, sharing food together, a granddaughter held close to your heart, music filling the room, all of those moments in life that make up a gratitude blessing. Liz, I am grateful for how you share your life, land and loves with all of us.

  3. me too... (grateful for how you share your life). the tender connections so vivid. a balm to the soul.

  4. Sweet pictures with the wee ones. Glad you had a nice visit with family. Beautiful dyed cloths. One inspiration after another. Blessings.

  5. Connections, both real and ether-eal, mean the world to me ... I love getting comments from Kindred Spirits almost as much as hugs from my kids and grandkids

  6. love his foot....up....poised.....he's going to
    be a tapper.

  7. Hi LA - a post full of light, colour and life - as you say so much to be thankful for. The pie looked great; and now the garden work to use up the energy. Go well. B

  8. Grace - Our grandkids love music and I, who wouldn't be caught dead singing in public, have no qualms about singing my heart out with them

    Barry - Pie design credit goes to G and garden design to Don ... I love following their leads

  9. Baking and babies and ukuleles! What a joyful compilation.

  10. Liz -isn't it spectacular to realise that? That in amongst all the gloom and darkness, that we can still have so many moments to remind us that life is good. The simple things...


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