Wednesday, December 6, 2017


We've enjoyed many house guests this year. In order to show why we've fallen in love with Texas, we take them on whirlwind journeys to favorite haunts and we've-been-meaning-to-see sights.

So it was that we found ourselves at Uncommon Objects
(sadly no longer on South Congress Avenue in Austin) where we scored an old Post Office box door. It's been sitting in the garage since last spring, biding its time until the perfect assemblage opportunity presented itself.  

It didn't take long. Don is now in the process of creating a piece to honor our upcoming 40th wedding anniversary. The PO box door was a perfect fit. But what to put in the window?

After poring over old photos, we decided some rust dyed cloth and stitch might be a better fit ...

Can't wait to show you where it ends up ...


  1. hey Liz
    i like it the rust en stich the cold iron and the soft cloth the form of the letters in contrast with the stiff iron letters ;
    may you have a nice evening ,greetz maria

  2. Maria - how good it is to see you here again ... and thank you, I very much like that hard metal marked the soft cloth so artfully in rust

  3. that is a pretty sweet find... I like what you decided to do so far, looking forward to see the end result

  4. Isn't it interesting how metal keeps and even expands its allure as time goes by? I can feel the weight and substance of your postal door without touching it. The rust marked cloth is a fitting complement and I am excited to see what Don does with it.

  5. a beautiful honouring of your 40 years together

  6. Anna Lisa - it's a lot of fun turning other people's stuff into art

    Dana - you won't have to wait long ... glues and screws are much faster than stitches

    Mo - seems like yesterday

  7. A strong, solid foundation for your commemmoration to represent the same of your marriage. Blessings.

  8. Collaboration of the heart! I love how the postal "U.S." becomes "us" for the two of you in it's transformation.

  9. Hazel - exactly ... and therein lies its title

  10. A beautiful collaboration and I can't wait to see how it comes up. Love the combination of fabric and metal; the rust that connects...beautifully evolving...

  11. Fiona - thank you ... and I loved reading about your shadow photography this morning ...


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