Thursday, January 25, 2018


I'm calling it done, with thanks to Don for touching up the frame ...

the cloth now named US II, a tribute to our 40 years together.

It was originally imagined in a much simpler form, but after the spare outlines were stitched, it began to tell its own story of the places we have called home.

First in Virginia, where we raised our kids ... rivers running through it ...

but a faded outline compared to the lighthouse at Cape Hatteras ...

long my heart's home ... where I've walked many miles by the sea, watched storms roll in, and caught the last rays of sunlight to the west where sea oats bend in the unceasing wind ...

And "can't you just feel the moonshine?"

How perfect then, that we found kindred grasses growing a thousand feet above sea level in the Texas Hill Country ...

prairie grasses that sink deep roots into limestone bedrock formed millions of years ago at the bottom of another, more ancient sea.

We share our Edwards Plateau home with abundant wildflowers ... bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, and countless little yellow ones... all interlaced with timeless rivers ...

And I dare to say the stars at night are big and bright, here inspired by Hazel and stitched on cloth from a long-worn nightshirt ...

Lastly the sun ... on a bit of Jude Hill indigo (as are the other two) ... a smoldering memory of the 2017 eclipse as seen in St Louis ...

because our hearts live there, too.


  1. love the details in the grasses and how all the rows of stitching hold the different cloths, the spaces and the places together

  2. Love for the sea oats, moonshine, stars and more.... your piece is a love poem.

  3. I’m with Marti - a landscape of love...

  4. Mo - stitching the grasses was a joy

    Susan - this one dictated the story to me

    Hazel - how much I appreciate your graceful stars after doing this

    Fiona - always I return to the land

  5. Sweet Liz...this story cloth is absolutely beautiful. In my mind, I run my fingers over the stitches. There is immense sensory satisfaction and fulfillment in them. Perfect frame. Hugs to you and Don. Blessings.

  6. Superb stiches telling your story of love and friendships ... I wanted to mention what I liked the most about it. The stars ... grasses etc. But no I cannot ... everything about it ... the whole story. Big congratulations on 40 years ...

  7. Sue - hugs back to you and F

    Tina - thank you ... Don chose the grasses as his favorite so I suspect I shall be stitching more of them in the future.

  8. Avon, long my hearts home too. Just beautiful, all of it!

  9. Meliss - my heart has many homes ... and many loves (so glad you came by)

  10. this memory cloth makes me happy, inspiring documentation of a twined life.

  11. Velma - your comment made me laugh out loud as Don and I have Gemini birthdays one day apart ... a "twinned" life if you will.

  12. everything old is new again ...


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