Wednesday, March 14, 2018

One more, one more

You may recall the placket cloth bag I made last year. If not, you can take a quick peek at this index entry to refresh your memory ...
[Note: you'll need to scroll down a bit as the "placket cloth" posts will include this one]

This is what the placket cloth has become, front ...

and back ...

It was the undoing of the old ...

that enabled the remaking of the new ...

So now I have retired my commercially made stitch bag and will use this one instead. Don is already shaking his head imagining what I will look like when I carry both bags at the same time ...

Highly visible, I'd say ...


  1. A picture please of you carrying both bags at once hee hee! They are spectacular Liz!

  2. Deb - I’ll see what can be arranged ...

  3. It has been liberated from the confines of its prior configuration

  4. stunning bag1 I say go for it, more color, more fun, at our age we can pull it off, no drab for me

  5. Susan - I used to be very cautious about color ... past tense

  6. As I read these last two posts I kept thinking of Jude's baskets and the concept of "holding". Your bags are holders just like baskets. Holding stuff, holding memories, holding physical touch and mental discernment... Cloth is such a powerful sponge or trap for feelings and images. I can see the literal and metaphorical layers of those things in your bags and can imagine how much more rich they are for you. Lovely, life-enhancing work.

  7. Dana - I love your thoughts on this ... you have made these bags carry even more meaning for me. Thank you

  8. I love these bags and have made two similar ones, both of which bear your imagine peace badges...precious

  9. Fiona - it is a happiness to know you carry peace with you


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