Monday, April 9, 2018

Sampling a life in stitches, 2018

I recently joined the Fiber Artists of San Antonio (FASA) and volunteered to do a five minute "show and tell" at the April meeting. Only five minutes?! Anyway, I decided to (try to) do a sampling of how my work has changed over the years, beginning with how I learned to stitch as a kid and the last kit I ever did when I was in college ...

The Chase Sampler, 1970s

Then moving on to my time as the Needleworker for Colonial Williamsburg in the early 1980s, when I taught students how to stitch silk on linen samplers ...


while making canvaswork ...

and marking linens  ...

Followed by my library career days, when I only made time to stitch when on vacation ...

as recounted in the post Sampling life: a family in stitches.

Culminating with my retirement, when I realized that cross stitch samplers were no longer what I wanted to do, after one last go at it ...

But I'm most looking forward to recounting how I found Jude Hill's Spirit Cloth and a lively blog community of stitchers: the Kindred Spirits who have sustained me ever since (many of their blogs can be found in the right side bar). Jude's online workshop Spirit Cloth 101 led to the creation of my now preferred modus operandi, which I refer to as "patchplay" ...

the development of which was documented during the creation of Prairie-tea-dyed cloth Land of Flood and Drought 2015 (best understood by going to the end of the 19 or so posts and reading them chronologically).

That in turn led me to Remember 2016, my favorite sampler to date, which shows the way I now learn by playing ...


one day at a time ...

And so it continues ...



  1. FASA is in for a treat with your presentation Liz because while story was present in your lovely cross sample stitching, now story is expansive and in a way, more connective as others can see some of their own lives in your beautiful fiber work. I'm thinking mostly of how I relate especially to your cloth landscape work; it is my own particular cloth passion. Also, I have to say that you were quite the fetching Mistress of Stitching in those Williamsburg days; what a fascinating experience.

  2. love seeing your exquisite early work especially the canvas work pillow and how it has informed your "patchplay"

  3. So much beautiful history here! I did a pre-printed sampler once...1980, I was 21 yr...pregnant and living in a 23.5 ft travel trailer, in a campground next to a Indian Reservation. (Boy if that isn't a country song, what is?!!) I made it for my grandma, but now I have it. Your work is gorgeous. So glad to have a look back here.

  4. I love seeing the progression of your work from the exquisite samplers to the wonderful calendar cloth to the bird's eye topography patching. You have taken the stitching "tools" that samplers are supposed to teach out into your own lived experience. It is quite moving.

  5. Marti - The Land is everything

    Mo - that the future may learn from the past

    Nancy - it's wonderful when old work returns to our hands

    Dana (and all) - thank you for this

  6. What a wonderful opportunity to explore your life through your stitching...the history, the stories, the advances, the returns...just fabulous.

  7. Fiona - Thank you ... I love looking back to see how far I've come. But I took your post today to heart: in looking back I have a tendency to worry over things long done and gone. If it can't be changed, I need to let it go.

  8. no changes needed here at great to see, presented
    like this...

  9. Grace - I left out a lot of backstory, but maybe there’s something to be said for that


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