Thursday, May 3, 2018

An ending and a beginning

The Land as the Crow Flies is done and hung ...

giving us something else to look at beside (or perhaps I should say "over") the blather on TV ...

And now, at long last, I'm indulging myself in quilt math and patch trials for Moon Myth ...

an imaginary tale written for our grandkids about the moon in all its phases.


  1. Now this is just about the most fitting placement for your special land cloth, over your hearth for "home is where the hearth is" and this cloth is heart-warming, a story of your landscape of home. Certainly will come in handy when the need to turn off all the "blather" takes hold, just look up and feel comforted!

    What a delight to watch you develop Moon Myth, you are excellent at documenting your process and it is always a joy to see your creative ideas come to life.

  2. perfect position for The Land as the Crow Flies but I want to veil the tv screen in your magic fireplace, look forward to seeing where your mythical moon journey takes you!

  3. satisfaction. followed immediately by beginning. I so admire
    how you plan and map things out....will be great to watch as it goes

  4. Marti, Mo and Grace - How great to wake up to all of you here ...

    We had various schemes over the years to overcome the gaping hole over our hearth. Built by the original owner of the house to accommodate a big, boxy, Y2K-era TV, it looms over a faux fireplace (which we use as a mini art gallery, having discarded the unvented gas stove it was designed for). I used to say, "whoever makes something first gets the display space."

    One note that you may appreciate: the orientation of the cloth where it now hangs parallels the orientation of the land that lies beyond it. Problem solved, at long last.

    As for the new project, yesterday's planning was somewhat frustrated by my perfectionist tendencies ... what looked good on paper didn't work out well in cloth. But that's content for another post ... happy days!

  5. Liz, the placement of this wonderful textile piece is of those places to rest the eyes and breathe in deeply as the "noise" of the world is let go for a while...what an eye restful piece you have created.
    Your planning and sketching out ideas in detail resonates with me. That has been my preferred method for most of my years of creating.Now and then I have worked organically and lately have found a nice voice in doing that...but the sketching and planning and notes come alive as an idea a bit of a combination of the two processes. Thanks for sharing your planning process.

  6. "The Land as the Crow Flies" looks wonderful against the stones of your fireplace! It is so evocative of the shapes and shadings of an agrarian landscape seen from far above. I just love it.

  7. Ah, such a nice place to rest your eyes. I love knowing the land is just beyond. I will continue to watch as your planning becomes. :) xo

  8. It looks so good there amidst the brickwork! Well done!
    You know I can't wait to see how the book goes...

  9. Perfect place for the cloth. It was made to be there. Looking forward to Moon Myth. Blessings to you both.

  10. beautiful installation. and what a gorgeous hearth

  11. I can't help, in this position, to view the squares are a play on pixels! But it does look lovely! Like Grace, I'm inspired by and curious to see how you plot out a project.

  12. Hi LA - love the subtle nature of the work - beautiful. B

  13. I am pretty sure Iwoudlget distracted from watching the TV by glancing up and having my eyes wander over it...I like that its hanging reflects the lie of the land - feels good. And I love the hints at you process - wow what a lot of work and thought!

  14. Many thanks to all who stopped by during the last week when we were out of town ... your presence here is always appreciated, but I’ve learned it’s near-impossible to keep up with the blog when there are grandkids in the vicinity.


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