Thursday, May 31, 2018

Hmmm ... did I ever post this?

So I was scrolling back through my pictures looking for something else when I stumbled across this ...

It was a Christmas 2016 gift, the quote taken from a t-shirt much admired (and aspired to) by its recipient. I think I held off posting until it was received ... ah well, better late than never.

So, a bit of recycled patchplay for your viewing pleasure and mine as we are soon headed to the island alluded to in the quote. I'm counting the days ...

And a note for Blogger users:

For reasons unknown, Blogger is no longer sending email notifications of new comments. 

So, if you are a Blogger author, you might want to check the Comments section of your dashboard. I've added that to my daily email checking routine.

If you are a Blogger reader, you might want to send an email with this info if you have commented on a Blogger post in the past week and it has yet to receive a response from the author.


  1. Thanks Mo ... can't wait to get some sand between my toes and some shells in my pockets

  2. Hi LA - I think blogger is just trying to set it up so it can shut it down. That would be bad as I like looking at the detail of what folk are doing. Go well. B

  3. Barry - I agree ... that or they are getting ready to offer an "enhanced" version of Blogger for a fee in which they put back what they've taken out

  4. Grace - H and I were shopping together and she pointed out a t-shirt she said she could really relate to. So I snapped a picture, tweaked the words a bit, and made this piece.

  5. A quote to live by! Your squares hold so much! Peace, skies, flowers, roads...and dreams!

  6. Wishing you happy island time Liz - and thanks for the heads up re blogger comments. Can't believe it! I am so sorry for all my blogging folk who I didn't know had commented...

  7. Nancy - I always imagined we would retire to the beach ... but we landed 1000' feet above sea level. Go figure.

    Fiona - thank you ... Avon on North Carolina's Outer Banks has been my heart's home for over 30 years.

  8. P.S. On the Blogger comment snafu ... I'm sure word is slowly getting out and all those affected will understand


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