Saturday, June 30, 2018

Standing up

Today's post is rather random.

There's Don's latest, which made good use of the stash from this post: ...

And while it has been called both shaman and totem during its becoming, to me it is the Keeper ...

Guardian of the grasses ...

And then there's Jace, building ...

Wonder where he gets it from.

And we attended a Families Belong Together rally today, here caught in the background of a local Facebook video.  ...

I know it's better to use fewer words on posters, but I couldn't resist the Declaration of Independence ...

I saw a better sign later, as I scanned for news of other rallies ... wish I had snapped a screenshot. It said something like, "I couldn't tell my grandson that I did nothing."

Anyway, about 150 folks showed up in Kerrville. One of the advantages of a small town rally was parking one block from City Hall and being able to stand under a tree (hmmm ... guess that's two advantages). 

As we stood by the roadside, signs in hand, Don leaned over and said, "I just hope no one gets ticked off enough to decide to drive up over the curb."

"It already crossed my mind," I replied. "I'm standing where I can dive behind that wall."

Paranoia aside, more folks drove by with thumbs up than thumbs down. And if most of the ralliers were rightly characterized as aging hippies, I was heartened by the young family who stood beside us. 

Hoping for a better day ... working together as best we can ...

Maybe not so random after all.


  1. Love Don's Keeper, Jace's very tall building, your protest signs and as Isabel Allende said in her wonderfully brave and heart rending book "Paul"(p 261)
    “… I have the idea that we grandmothers are meant to play the part of protective witches; we must watch over younger women, children, community. and also, why not?, this mistreated planet, the victim of such unrelenting desecration. I would like to fly on a broomstick and dance in the moonlight with other pagan witches in the forest, invoking earth forces and howling demons; I want to become a wise crone, to learn ancient spells and healers’ secrets. It is no small thing this design of mine. Witches, like saints, are solitary stars that shine with a light of their own; they depends on nothing and no one, which is why they have no fear and can plunge blindly into the abyss with the assurance that instead of crashing to earth, they will fly back out. They can change into birds and see the world from above, or worms to see it from within, they can inhabit other dimensions and travel to other galaxies, they are navigators on an infinite ocean of consciousness and cognition.”

  2. oops the book's "Paula" not Paul!

  3. Don's "Keeper" looks perfect in the landscape and Jace's construction has the same proportions. Definitely related. We too attended our local demonstration, in the pouring rain. We had pretty good turnout for our small town, which was encouraging, and lots of endorsements from the drive-bys. Mostly gray-haired people, but not entirely. We have to take heart from what is offered.

  4. Don's Keeper and Jace's "skyscraper" as well as knowing that you and Don stood up for families has lifted my spirits Liz. Here is why via a comment I left on Dee's blog:

    "I sat this one out yesterday. I’m not sure why since I fully intended to go to Albuquerque, had made a little sign in Spanish that said “Todos Juntos , Todos Unidos, Todos Bienvenidos”.(All together, All United, All Welcome.) Think that I simply felt that I would become too emotional and did not want to cry in a crowd which is about the stupidest excuse…but there it is. I sat outside in my backyard, underneath our grape arbor, the only shady spot in our garden, thinking of my parents who came here from Spain, through Ellis Island and how while it was tough, they were made welcome and helped by so many along the way, especially my Mother.

    Mama arrived in 1932 did not know any words in English and as she road the trains from New York to California to live with her sister and brother in law, she relied on the kindness of the porters to help her choose food, etc. She had never seen an African American and at first was a bit frightened but she said they smiled at her with their hearts and helped her choose her meals, she would point to what other passengers were eating and they understood. She never forgot their kindness to her and said that they made her feel welcome in ways she had not expected… Both of my parents would be devastated by what is going on here with families"

  5. Meant to say rode, not road!

  6. Mo - I just stood up and pulled Paula off my shelf to be my next re-read. Written in 1994, I can't help thinking Isabel Allende could scarcely have imagined the magical space through which we now fly ... which makes her word weaving all the more potent.

    Dana - We love seeing the gifts each of our grandchildren bring to the world. And how wonderful to know we stood together, though we were hundreds of miles apart. As for rain, we'd be obliged if you could send a bit our way.

    Marti - this is such a poignant comment and I thank you for sharing your mother's story. We are all in this together, each of us standing up and speaking out in turn. None of us can do it all and I'm glad you tended to your own heart's needs this time around.

  7. Susan - thank you ... Don will surely appreciate your comment.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how it changes over time as it lives through Texas sun and rain

  8. aha, it's genetic, this building!

  9. these impulses do seem to go from one generation to the next, to the next! Don's tower - the grandbaby's tower!!!

    Glad you, too, could get out, hold a sign up, and make a plea for sanity and Justice.

  10. Hi LA - well done you for getting out there with Don to make a statement - there are times when we just can't remain silent - even with the risk of being run over. I like that Don's creation can be the guardian of the grasses. And the grasses are looking good. Go well. B

  11. Sorry I missed this earlier. Thank you for standing there with your signs - it does our hearts over here good to know. The times are troubling and I like the notion of the sign you saw about just not being able to say I did nothing. I honestly believe that we all need to keep doing the small things we can, in our own way, wherever we are. You have all been so strong and proactive; its tiring and persistence is needed; but we are cheering you on from the sidelines! And I love the Guardian of the Grass!

  12. Grace - our lives are full

    Fiona - thanks for the encouragement and for the peacemaking example you and Barry set

  13. Love the Keeper! Aren't those marble games the best?! We too went out, local. We were happily surprised at the size of the turnout.

  14. Nancy - July is usually bone dry, but it has been gently raining ever since the Keeper went into the garden.

    Games for grandkids are really games for us ... I just bought a bunch of Picasso magnet tiles for the ATX grandkids because we didn't have enough ... ha!

    And rallies ... we need to keep up the momentum, even though I fear the midterms aren't really the issue at this point. It's not the economy, stupid ... it's the judiciary


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