Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The honest studio tour

I'm jumping on the honest studio tour bandwagon begun by Dee Mallon and seconded by Deb Lacativa.

To give it a bit of perspective, you should know that Don and I live in a two bedroom house with all of about 1800 square feet. It's not a stretch to say that my "studio" flows through more than half that space (much more, Don would say).

The epicenter is my thread nest, aka overstuffed rocker and matching armchair, which are actually pretty tidy at the moment ..

It is overseen by pieces from Don's garage studio and gifts from Kindred Spirits, including the aforementioned Dee, plus Anna Lisa, Louise, Barry ...

Hazel ...

Jude and Sue, currently tangled up in Deb's threads ...

plus a bit of overflow into our third (rarely used) armchair, from which one can espy gifts from Mo and Grace and Fiona ...

And really, that should be enough. But wait, there's more! My cloth storage facility resides in the master bedroom ...

Likewise overseen by yet more gifts made by Bronwyn, Saskia, Fiona and Sandy, in a nest from Gillan ...

When I'm "into" a project, the cloth often ends up like this ...

although I aspire to emulate Marie Kondo-style folding ...

I do confess to owning a 1970s vintage Kenmore sewing machine, but it doesn't get used much ... 

Our bedroom also holds a craft supply pantry ...

and bookshelf ...

both of which overflowed into other spaces long ago.

So on to the master bath which doubles as my ironing room ...

where the one-time vanity holds an array of stuff ...

Likewise the laundry room, because nature abhors the vacuum of horizontal surfaces ... 

Then there's the tech center, which includes a nifty HP scanner/printer/copier (and yes, that's the master bedroom again) ...

wirelessly connected to the laptop that comes out every morning as I journey through blog-land after reading the Austin American Statesman online for breakfast ...

accompanied by the white-hot heat of early morning Texas sun streaming through the front door.

Last, but not least, my traveling studio, aka stitch bag is currently sitting on the other end of the dining room table ...

with the piece of Barry's metalwork artistry that began my journey into peace gifting, seen here peeking out from beneath my latest (and previously unblogged) bit of cloth revision.

Phew, enough is enough.

Tag ... you're it!


  1. Room to room, color, cloth, crafts- all such a good tour of a busy, creative, working studio. I am it but since I don't blog, I sent you an email to play tag but as you will see, don't laugh, my "studio" is nothing like Dee's or Deb's or yours...!.

  2. Well now that you mention whole house is a mess of fiber creations. Ok, I will take pix and blog it. Yikes.

  3. Marti - your email brought to mind a phrase from Shakespeare: “grace in all simplicity”

    Vicky - have fun ... I actually uncovered a couple of misplaced bits as I took pictures

  4. I love seeing all the makings and inspirations!

  5. Thank you, Liz. Your tour was so thorough! I’ll be back tomorrow for another peek.

  6. Loved the tour. What a crack up Liz!! And I thought I was bad. You must have a very understanding husband LOL When I married my new husband 7 years ago, I had to buy an entire home to put all my art supplies and collections into. Nothing fit into my husband's home where we live except my computer station in the garage. I love how you use the whole arm of the chair as your pin cushion. Looks so comfy to me. I would feel right at home.

  7. How fun to see your cozy space. (& that piece again, it looks well guarded by all of your pins!) There are 4 of us in 16,000ft here, there is an unfinished cellar-ish basement, one bathroom (with no counter) & there are no closets on the main floor, it seemed plenty big 25 yrs ago!

  8. We were thinking of downsizing but I've changed my mind!!!! My stuff does overflow but I hate to think how I would cope now with 2 bedrooms and there's only 2 of us.

  9. Dee - I'm always glad when I follow your lead

    Deb - It helps that Don has his own studio in the garage ... currently under reorganization (he's much better at that than I am)

    Hazel - Whenever I think "maybe I'd be more organized if I had to fit it into a smaller space" it takes about three seconds for me to say "nope"

    Sue - Welcome to the blog! I have to admit, downsizing is all relative ... and usually temporary. As much as we got rid of before moving across the country, we're once again full to overflowing. The fun part is, now we buy old stuff and repurpose it.

  10. I see I added an extra "0" up there! & I'm sure if I had that extra 14,400 sq ft, I'd still be the same unorganized soul!

  11. Hazel - it’s like dreaming about what you’d do if you won the lottery ... what would I do with all that extra space?

  12. If I won the lottery, there would be a small house & studio in Italy...with a housekeeper & cook!

  13. Well now I’ve been back. Love seeing how your creativity layers itself throughout the house. Would LovE to be able to iron in the bathroom! And yes, couch arms are pin cushions here too.

  14. Grace and Dee - I long ago gave up on little pincushions ... but it is awkward when Don asks folks in and offers them a seat only to have me cry out "No! Not there!"

  15. This is the best Liz! I love it all especially the ironing board in the bathroom and the pincushion arm rests - just brilliant. You are surrounded by inspiration in so many ways; such delight!

  16. Some of these photos made me chuckle...bathroom = ironing room! And others, that sense of connection - pins in the armchair (I wrote about that long ago) and the keeping of clothmates treasures near you (I recently posted pics of where mine live: ). How good it is to travel through your interior land of home and work and inspiration. This was swell.

  17. Fiona - As I read your comment I thought "Home sweet studio" ... we are happily surrounded

    Nancy - I re-visited your post from last March and realized how much it must have influenced me, with its "tokens from my cloth people" ... I love it even more now


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