Monday, August 20, 2018

Skipping ahead

Page 8 of Moon Myth ...

because I'm still working on pages 6 and 7.

And yes, the clouds are vintage damask dyed by Deb Lacativa ... 

the rain is kantha on repurposed faux ikat worked with a single strand of DMC cotton floss ... the lightning worked in Jude's split backstitch using some of the silk I gathered for the wedding handkerchief project.


  1. (((Liz))) your choice of cloth thread and stitch works such good magic!

  2. Mo - I love having a well-stocked cloth pantry

  3. emmi is two..i opened the screen and she was so excited " rain an thunner ...rain and thunder" we have had an amazing bit of both and she actively searches clouds now..thunner hiding?? she wants to know..but she had no doubts here..we both are enjoying this piece so very much..gentle day liz ...cynthia

  4. Cynthia - I don't know that there is anything that could make me happier than knowing Emmi saw "rain an thunner" ... you have indeed made my day gentle and I wish you the same

  5. This pages is really special Liz - the perfect blend of fabric stitch and image...

  6. Fiona - always your encouragement is appreciated

  7. Oh my lands Liz!!!! This lighting is so 'real'!!! The perfect cloth and stitch choices to bring it to life. Made my morning. I just wish we could have some of this real stuff here! lol

  8. Nancy - we are droughted here, too ... all the creek beds are bone dry


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