Friday, September 21, 2018

Let your peace flag fly

Please note: we are playing with our grandkids for the next week, so I won’t be responding to comments and/or email for now. The new project will re-commence next week, but you are welcome to comment any time!

Today is the International Day of Peace, a fitting time to start a new take on last year's Peace Pin Project.

This time around, I'm sending shreds of repurposed linen clothing stitched with words of peace ...

miniature peace pin/flags inspired by Fiona Dempster's Daily words ...

which you can find in her shop. My goal is to send all of her words out into the world paired with peace.

If you wish to receive one of Fiona's words and a miniature peace pin/flag, please leave a few words of peace in a comment at the end of this post

And then, please send your current mailing address to (even if you think I already have your address, it is ever so much easier if you send it to me in an email as I'm somewhat scattered).

There is no catch and no charge. It is my humble way of spreading a little bit of peace in a world that very much needs it. That said, if you wish to send me an email or link with a picture of where you hang your peace pin/flag once it arrives, I will happily post it in the Works in Progress page, found in the sidebar to the right.


And here, as a perfect example, is Marti's peace pin from last year ...

Earth Prayer
made of cloth hand-dyed with plants gathered from her land in New Mexico

May it soon be joined by new images of this year's peace pin/flags. 


  1. P- people reaching out with arms extended, hearts open.
    E- equality the path we must take.
    A- accepting that we are all in this world together.
    C- caring compassionately for each other, for our towns, cities, state, nation, simply, for our one precious world.
    E- evolving to say that every living thing, everyone,has worth and matters.

  2. "All we are saying is give peace a chance"
    John Lennon 1969 nearly half a century on...

  3. I looked for your Peace Pin on my pin's not really a 'design wall' anymore, a treasure wall would describe it better.

    Anyway, I found the pin among the chaos of the pinned up items. I will take a picture, then move the pin to the ideal cloth place, that ironically sits just below it. Then I will tame some of the area around it, to show there can be peace among the chaos.

    Thank You Liz.

  4. Liz...bless you for sharing your time, talent and treasure! Yes, of course, I would be honored to have one of your wee peace flags. Peace in our world is so very needed; however, I think we also need to find peace within ourselves and souls. Blessings.

  5. Hi LA - so good to be part of the small bit of action for peace - creating a few small pieces for peace and sending them out to create few more ripples. Peace to you and yours. B

  6. Yes! I love when you do things like this! Your heart and generous nature really shine! I'd love to be included again. :)
    You remind me of this old favorite from my earliest teaching days.,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

  7. Going deeper to a place
    Of peace. There lies Source
    There are the Possibilities
    we dream about.
    In this noxious hullabaloo
    May we protect one another
    May we find peace

    Thank you, Liz.

  8. Peace--just what we need to think about right now. Sending it out and receiving it.

  9. I would love one of you Peace flags .. for you to take the time and effort to send out these small flags reminding us all that Peace is possible. I Thank you for that.

  10. Thank you Liz for caring and sharing for peace like this - what beautiful addition to the world! I am so happy that you are using the words to connect with peace and helping folk find ways to be active for peace! So lovely to see the ripples continuing...go well.

  11. Your generosity, of creativity, time & spirit...thank you.
    "Hope" is what I hold on to.

  12. Each day, each week, each month that I continue to tutor English to Congolese refugees, there is more peace within me, more joy, more hope for peace in the world.


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