Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Back to it ...

The past two weeks have been all about physical therapy and working on Moon Myth ...

Happily, both have been going well and a final draft of the book (sans front cover), can be read here:
with special thanks to Don for commenting on the (countless) iterations, and to Nancy at Pomegranate Trail for her input.


  1. So glad to read that your sciatica is on the mend Liz, not fun having to deal with this condition.

    Reading the wondrous, whimsical and terrific Moon Myth was just the tonic needed this morning after two difficult weeks in California. Liz, this book is just splendid and deserves the Caldecott Medal, an honor that as a former librarian I know you recognize. The Caldecott is given each year to a book that features stellar illustrations and well, do I need to say more... Your illustrations, done no less on cloth, capture the spirit and essence of your myth and bring it to life in such a charming and informative manner. Well done.

  2. oh this is the best magic, I want to buy a signed copy!

  3. Marti - thank you ... I appreciate your nomination, though I blush to think how many things I’d change if I had it to do over again. I’ve learned a lot along the way and am already thinking ahead to the next saga.

    Mo - hmmmm ... I’m going to have to figure out how to make a Southern Hemisphere edition!

  4. (((Liz))) there's no need, the moon rises and sets in the same intervals just upside down & I can enjoy the Northern Hemisphere version as all my family lives in the US!

  5. Mo ... maybe you could hold the book up to a mirror ... ha!

  6. Heheh! upside down & in the mirror, that could work! I spent way too many years trying to work out the four cardinal directions spiritwise from here in the Land Down Under until one day the light bulb moment happened- wherever I stand on our good earth South is where my feet are grounded, North is where my head looks to the sky, the Sun always rises in the illuminating East and sets in the dreaming West, unless I am at the North or South Pole which is fairly unlikely!

  7. Wow! It is amazing to see all of the pages there together! The amount of cloth work and then all the writing you did really came together as this work of art! I'm with Mo...how do I get a signed copy?! xo

  8. Nancy ... I thought I had figured out an outlet for creating the print book in Create Space, only to find they are not accepting new accounts. So, I'm looking into Blurb and welcome any other suggestions from the ether.

    Btw, Mo had at one time suggested printing and binding it myself, but as you can see, it would take a significant amount of ink to do that!

  9. love the link...Thank YOU, Don....just such happiness!

  10. Grace - I'm pretty sure Don will be most thank-full when this project is no longer taking up so much floor space (ha!)

    Note to self: I really do need a design wall ...

  11. So happy to hear you are on the mend and indulging in what you do so well. Blessings to you and Don.

  12. Oh my, this looks terrific Liz. Hope you are feeling better!

  13. I love this book, Liz! It is so original and beautifully executed. My family uses blurb most often for their self-published books (my brother Tim is an excellent photographer and honors us each year with a new book of his photographs and writing) but I have also seen really nice books done through Picaboo. Good luck.

  14. Congratulations! I would love to buy a copy as well. Just such a sweet fable and to be illustrated by your wonderful stitching makes it truly a rich read.

  15. Apologies for my late response ... it is telling that I have neglected to keep up with you all. Hopefully things will get back to normal someday sooner rather than later ...


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