Thursday, May 2, 2019

A horizontal design wall

Since I haven't figured out how to fit a vertical design wall into my life, I've moved my current project off the living room floor and onto the guest room bed ...

It's a first-time cotton patchplay and larger than anything I've done before ... but as a memory of P's baby days pieced from her clothing, I'm loving every stitch I take.

12 thoughts on “A horizontal “design wall”

  1. connie akers

    Liz, I have a piece of insulation board that was left over from the trailer project. It’s what I use for a design wall. What you can do is cut it in 2 & tape it to fold so it can be slid under the bed or such. It’s yours if you want it.
    Sent from my iPad


    Connie – I’m getting such positive feedback on this idea … but even so, I’m having a hard time figuring out where a design wall would fit into our space


    1. the nice thing about using insulation for a pin/design board is it’s extremely light and easy to move around. I have some large boards that I tip on the floor to the wall and some smaller ones that easily sit atop a bookcase. If company’s coming, I just tote them downstairs. Love the colors here. I suppose there’s a natural unity in the clothing choices.


    2. Getting a little distance and perspective on your work when it is large can be a pain. From your photo I get a clear sense of motion and activity from your wonky log cabins, all in sweet but strong colors with high contrast. Any girl would love it.


    3. What great suggestions re a light, folding portable wall! I love this project – it has such a sense of the young girl whose clothes have shaped it…


      1. B – your comment made me realize (how did I miss it before?) the sweetness of laying out P’s coverlet on the back of the quilt my mom (her great grandmother) made so many years ago … memories

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