Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A better use of my time

Don is being a responsible citizen and watching the president speak. I, on the other hand, have my hearing aids turned off and am looking at some of the pictures I took at the Wildflower Center today …

along with these pictures of the library that Parker and Ellis created in their bedroom by overturning a chair to house a checkout station and return bin … 

I even got my own library card, complete with QR code …

These are the things that give me joy. 


  1. I'm so with you and the youngins!

  2. Oh I love the Library and the card! We turned on the TV and they were playing it LIVE here!!! - we quickly moved on, I can barely bear to look at, let alone listen to, him.

    1. His voice makes me cringe right down to my toes

  3. Hello Liz, I'm always amazed at what beautiful game ideas the children come up with. Sometimes they have already been lost to us. But we are reminded again by them. Kind regards, Katja

    1. they are endlessly creative ... their favorite imaginary games are pirates (where the scuba divers search for treasure) and peace ninjas (where they take on super powers and help with whatever real-world disasters are in the news)

  4. Thanks for sharing. Both the pic mosaic and the kids’ imaginary play give me joy too. I didn’t watch either but I’m awake now, late, reading about some of his outrageous and asinine remarks. ~Dee

    1. I confess I followed some of the live commentary that streamed on the New York Times, but in the end I switched over to The Daily Show for some comic relief

  5. LA - I cant watch the disgusting rubbish that the big orange one spews forth - so like you one just have to focus on the small beautiful things closer to home and family. Go well. B

    1. I also avoid using his name as much as possible ... a friend recently posted a meme that said "For the first time in history one can post 'he's an idiot' and 90% of the world will know who you mean"

  6. I really loved reading when I was a kid. Fond memories of my first library card, weekly visits from the bookmobile, summer reading program. Enjoyed your library photos.

    1. as a retired librarian, I am proud to say the girls cobbled that together by themselves ...

  7. Looking at your Wildflower Center was like re-visiting an old friend. It is a wonderful, giving, learning place so thank you for posting the photos. What joy to see the "library". A library card was my ticket to the world and how lucky you are Nana, to have your very special Parker and Ellis Library card. What book did you check out? This is Marti

    1. I checked out Bats at the Beach, which is a very silly story about bats going to the beach at night ... and yes, I remember my first Mineola Public Library card, which was light blue with a metal tab that had my very own number on it ... we were so fortunate to live only two blocks away, so I went by myself for all of my elementary school years

  8. No wiser words anywhere. Sending solidarity, but remember to send a few easy-peasy auto- letters to your congressional "reps" that say something like: "refuse to cooperate with the destruction if our country"?🩷😊

    1. I do write to my representative and to my senators, all of them Republicans ... and also wrote a thank you note to my Democratic state senator for her able representation of my interests in the Texas legislature, which is currently in session ... I also sent her a peace pin ;)

  9. The library, that is amazing! Love that you are at the wildflower center, that can only be healing. I watched about 45 minutes of it. Painful to see so much division.

  10. That's Deb G. Sigh.

    1. Best smile of the day 😊 … and I read this morning that Rep Slotkin did a good job with the response from the Democrats … I want to track down a video to see for myself

    2. Oops, she’s now Senator Slotkin!!


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