Wednesday, October 22, 2014

- A little farther west: Music bridges Texas and the Netherlands

If you look in my Kindred Spirits link to the right, you will see Tales from the Birdhut ... Saskia being one of the connections I've made through Jude Hill's Considering Weave (see my October 7 post on Reworking a cotton blouse boro-style).

So when I wrote about another boro-style top called "it's only RAIN" and included a link to the Jimmy Davis song of the same name, Saskia commented that she liked his music. I told Don, who said, "I think I saw the Mystiqueros are going to be playing with Bart de Win in the Netherlands sometime soon." 

Sure enough, when I checked on Facebook, Jimmy Davis had an October 21 house concert scheduled at Bart's (side note: we've seen Bart play with the MQs in Texas 3 or 4 times). I made a comment on Saskia's blog that it would be so cool if she could go to the concert ... and she did! You can read all about it in today's post at Tales from the Birdhut.

By the way, about the same time Saskia and her husband were listening to the MQs in person, Don and I were listening to one of their CDs during our 966 mile drive from Santa Fe to St Louis ... a little farther west (which just happens to be one of my many Mystiqueros favorites).

I'm beaming as I write this ... feeling like the sun is shining from the inside out ... amazed at how the world can be so large and so small at the same time.


  1. I'm beaming too! as you have maybe read, we're going to see them again next week, oh we're both excited (me admittedly more than himself)

    it's things like this that make me enormously happy to have found you on internet

  2. It made me laugh out loud when I got to the part about you and yours going to see the guys play again.
    Music, art, stitch ... they all weave together, strengthening our camaraderie through shared experience. And even though we have never (yet?) met in person, still I call you friend in the truest sense of the word.

  3. THIS makes me so happy to's IT, isn't it. just a blink apart. Beauty FULL....yes.

  4. these connections of light, love, music and stitch going 'round the world are so magical they make my hair stand on end!

  5. how fortunate we are to live in a time when this is possible ... my life is richer for having each of you as friends

  6. for googling rainchain and and and...Grace, Saskia, Mo, ragmates too, the netherlands too India Flint
    cannot describe the feeling.......

  7. Welcome Yvette ... I'm traveling today but will look forward to seeing your blogs. And I love the term rag-mates ...


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