Friday, January 8, 2016

- G is for green(ish)

Having no selvedge to guide me (I prefer this spelling to selvage, btw), I didn't know if this thrifted linen blouse was green shot with blue, or vice versa ...

Either way, I much prefer the blue to the green and fortuitously tore the cloth in such a way that it left a feathery blue edge. So I wondered "what if I made a patch that showed that edge?" ...

Patch #7 and Patch #8

Here's how it looked on the b-side ...

It will be interesting to see how it wears.

Oh, about the butterfly ... that flew in yesterday after I took a walk in the sun and noticed little sulfur butterflies flitting in the purple lantana blossoms. It was one of those days when I couldn't help saying yet again, "Have I mentioned how much I love Texas?"

And now that I look at the close-up photos in the butterfly link, I realize that the two hindwing spots look just like Jude's outlined thread beads ... so even though I didn't notice them yesterday, I've added them in ...


  1. selvedge, from "self edge" actually. as in how the edge is created as the weft turns around to change direction.
    i did a bit of work with shot cottons way back, with those colored fringes. don't ask me to find it.

    1. I do like words with meaning! And your fringes on shot cotton ... I do seem to recall those. This is not the first time I've thought about taking another long journey through your blog. As fruitful as that was the first time around, I suspect I would get a lot more out of it a second time around.

  2. Blue fringe, yellow butterfly...I'm enjoying this patchwork diary so much.

    1. Thanks Dana ... me, too. It's unlike anything I've ever done ... a huge leap of faith

  3. b-side of butterfly is very pretty too!

    1. Thank you Simone ... I do have a thing for b-sides.

      I took a peek over at your blog ... loved what I saw there and have added you to my Kindred Spirits with wishes for all the best in the new year.

  4. Thank you, Liz.
    May the sunshine of happiness shine above you throughout the year!

    1. Fortunately, rain makes me happy, too (in moderation, of course)


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