Thursday, January 7, 2016

- Habit forming

It's been one week ...

Patches #1-7

I just Googled "How long does it take to form a habit?" The answers ranged from 21 days to 66 days to "as long as it takes for you."

Definitely not one week. Still, my patch-or-two-a-day hopes are holding. I haven't given up yet, so that's gotta be a good sign, right?

Likewise, I'm diving into bolder colors, having found that I actually liked the pre-walnut dyed versions of my linen stash in this post from last summer.

So, keeping it short and sweet today ... I've got a couple of other nascent habits to tend to.


  1. Love the bright colors. & Funny about habits/rituals, they seem just as awkward to quit. Haven't begun a new cloth for this year & am finding myself a bit lost each morning. & the "Jr. Birdman" song, LOVED that as a kid, especially the thing we did with our hands to make goggles for the motions.

    1. Hope you enjoy playing the song in your head ...

      And yes, I can imagine you must feel at loose ends without your word cloth at hand.

  2. this Cloth is going to Surprise you, i'm thinking....
    take you places you'd not imagined going....


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