Friday, January 15, 2016

- I remembered!

Spent the whole day sorting through all the loose photographs, putting them into rough order (by decades) and found this from 1976 ...

Ludwell college apartments at William and Mary

Yes, the dress, though not the photo I was actually looking for. So even though I've gotten this far ...

after tossing another 25% of dupes and dogs

now I need to start looking for additional photos in the albums. And then put it all into better order. And then figure out what's next. Yikes.

After dinner I realized I hadn't stitched a patch. Fortunately, I have strips of cloth ready to go ...

so I was able to stitch on a patch ...

Patch #14 and Patch #15
Aquarelle Pomegranate extract on alum mordanted linen

keeping it simple, but not missing the day entirely.


  1. What a blast from the past! and what a cute couple! It makes me a little misty just thinking back to being so young (Mike and I are of similar vintage). Your efforts amongst your photographs stir up some guilty feelings because my photos are just as neglected but I have no plans to sort them right now. The daily patches are looking good. The pomegranate patch looks like a sunny day. I'm probably thinking of your rain calendar.

    1. If only we knew how good we had it way back when, right?

      As for the photos, I've been beating myself up about my lack of organizational skills forever (ironic for a librarian, I know). The main motivation has been my grandkids, some of whom are waaaay out of town ... I want them to be able to see what their moms (and their grandparents) looked like way back when ... so, I'm sorting and scanning and blogging to fill the breech. It's a little overwhelming at the moment, but kind of exciting, too.

  2. Great photo!! I also had a very similar dress, brings back wonderful memories :)


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