Saturday, January 16, 2016

- Retrospective gratitude

I have been pondering a recent post by Dee Mallon about gratitude realized in hindsight. It's a liberating concept and reminds me that I should be loath to push away memories of challenges when those are what make me who I am.

The theme was echoed in Cheryl Strayed's memoir Wild, which I just finished. There are things in my life I would have thought I could never handle, but in hindsight, I did and I'm truly grateful that there have been more happy endings than not.

And so, as I contemplated the blank patches from yesterday and today, it seemed right to stitch the title of the Jody Alexander book KEEP that I just received ...

Patch #15 and Patch #16
You can read more about the book KEEP in this post

Keep all the memories ... keep looking for the silver linings ... keep being grateful in all things ... keep going. 

By the way, the white in today's patch was inspired by the white lantana blooming beside the breezeway ...

just as it was one year ago (with thanks to Don for pointing that out).

One last thing for today ...

My weather calendar with no dates
except for the first day of each month ... at least for now

I stitched on the next row of patches for the past week in weather, which has been mostly sunny and dry save for three drops in the bottom of the rain gauge this morning. I'm grateful for the sun, having thought the El NiƱo would be bringing gray skies ... although we can (almost) always use a little rain.

Nota Bene: I am in the process of editing my family blog with the result that I've moved some gardening posts from 2012 and 2013 over to this blog. The entries are headed with the statement "Originally posted by Don in On the Trail."


  1. I love lantanas! Have never seen a white one before!
    There is so much to be grateful for, which I often tend to forget. Then when I remember, things do seem brighter after a depressing day (-:
    The calendar patches make me think ...

    1. I'm grateful for comments ... they always make my day!

      As for the calendar, I went back and forth about what colors to use. Blue for blue sky or rain, for instance. I ended up deciding on yellows for sunshine/dry days, gray for cloudy days, and aqua to record rainfall. Of course, not all days are consistently one thing or another, as our days often start off overcast and then end up sunny. So I go with my feeling about the day, which tends optimistically toward sunshine more often than not. I'm looking forward to the randomness of it.

    2. What a beautiful way to keep record! Did/do you dye the fabrics yourself?

    3. Thank you! The calendar patches are a mix ... the aqua is a repurposed linen duvet cover, the grey is from a thrifted linen blouse, and the yellows are from linen dyed variously with rosemary, prairie tea (a wildflower), Aquarelle dye extracts, etc. As I did in the post for Patch #15 on January 15th, I'll try to remember to note what the particular dyestuffs are. I've also created index links to dyestuffs that might be of interest.

    4. Thank you for sharing. I will have a look at the links later this week. Am wanting to start dyeing fanrics myself. A new adventure.

  2. this project is proving to be moving... I hope it continues so as the year progresses!

    looking back can be hard, I get that. my hope is that gratitude resides outside of time, and marking a thing I'm grateful for that happened two years ago and putting it in the calendar journal for that year, kinda makes me see that.

    1. Thank you Dee ... I suppose it may turn out to be a cloth gratitude journal. And your thought of looking back a couple of years ties in perfectly with today's patch (which I haven't posted quite yet).


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