Tuesday, January 19, 2016

- Why use one word when three will do?

Maroon is what I'd call it, but today's patch color is "Basque Red Pearl" to commemorate the return of our "new" Honda after repairs necessitated by a deer collision last month ...

Patch #19
Brazilwood dye on tannin and alum mordanted linen

Total repairs came to $5800 ... thank goodness for comprehensive auto insurance!


  1. what a delightful way to record your days!

    1. This has been more fun than any journal/diary I've tried to stick with ... I guess the key is I look forward to coming up with a patch each day

  2. Basque Red Pearl looks great next to the sunset patch.

    1. Thanks for pointing that out ... I'm trying hard to avoid imposing a pattern on the colors and sizes of the patches. It will be especially interesting to see how the February patches play with the January patches!

    2. it GOES and GOES...creating itself with your help

    3. We are playing together, the cloth and I

  3. The best beginning: remember! Beautiful way to keep a journal. I tried it once, writing down events of each day on a piece of fabric. The 365 pieces were cut. 357 did not get a story ...

    1. That sounds like a lot of my journal attempts ... a few thoughtful pages followed by a whole lotta not much. I do want to explore what others have done in this vein, but I'm holding off so that I'm not unduly influenced.

  4. had no idea what the strip was about when i first opened the post, my immediate reaction was: oh, wow what a cheerful, uplifting story-cloth this is!
    love that the fact that it's a diary


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