Saturday, April 30, 2016

- Goin' to Carolina in my mind

Retrospective (5/1/2016)

Patch #121 maps the road from Ocracoke to Corolla, about 100 miles as the crow flies ...

which bears a striking resemblance to the Sandhill Cranes depicted on February 26 take this as a good omen.

And though I have no doubt that my heart has two homes, I find a perfect symmetry in the fact that beach road 12 ...

and ranch road 12 ...

mark the east and west boundaries of our upcoming journey.

Original Post

Another week, another month of Texas Hill Country weather patches ...

7 inches of rain in April, far above the average 2 inches ... harbinger of both wildflowers and mosquitoes in abundance.

Eighteen rows of one-inch patches ...

a pattern of days and how they went. The biggest challenge has been recording the Hill Country weather when we aren't actually here to experience it. True, gives a sense of what we missed when we take off for a week or so. And the rain gauge (usually) has enough capacity to hold a week's worth of rainfall (although we pushed the limit during our St Louis jaunt).

Still, I wonder how I would manage the weather patches if we were to go on extended road trip ... for two months, say. So it is that the seam of this week's patches is stitched in Carolina blue ...

What if ... ?


  1. a great What If to entertain....what if it were just a large Carolina piece
    amidst all that came before and all that would come upon return?
    large meaning single....what you might put in that space would be yet to be

    1. So many unknowns, but anything and everything is possible.

  2. love the gentle colours of this gathering

    1. Thank you ... they're among my favorites and I love how nature has provided for their random arrangement


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