Friday, April 8, 2016

- Turning back the hands of time ...

Would you go back in time, if you could?

I wonder about that. If only it was as easy to edit a life as it is to edit a blog post or delete a comment. Poof! and it's gone. Then again, maybe not.

In any case, here's a clock hand-drawn counter-clockwise a la Judy Martin ...

Patch #99

announcing my own version of turning back the clock: retrospective posting (with thanks again to Dee Mallon for her notion of retrospective gratitude that first put the idea in my head).

My solution to revising patches (or belatedly writing about them in the first place), is to make note of the new work in a post such as this one, but to actually picture and write about the patch on the blog date that it refers to.

Clear as mud? Here's an example: click here to see a belated post for this past Tuesday, and click here to see an updated post for this past Wednesday.

Time will tell if this will work. For now, I will put a "Retrospective" label on each belated or updated post. To be continued ...


  1. I'll admit to being a little confused... I like the patch, tho!

  2. Replies
    1. Hmmm, we'll see. I have a way of cooking up these grand schemes that end up on the cutting room floor.

  3. hmmm.... when I was 18 I made a promise to myself to live this life with no regrets... but there are a few... would I go back if I could to make amends? to heeal the rifts? that would be nice but the words were said, the deeds were done and the mistakes we make in life are also the turning points so no... I don't think I could or would but it's an interesting thought!

    1. Some promises are easier made than kept ...

  4. That is a very difficult question, but in the end I would say no. Everything we do shows a tiny piece of who we are, and every decision teaches us something, good or bad. If I could go back in time, I think that I would make the same mistakes in different ways, because that is just who I am. Sometimes I do wish I could go back to mend a rift between myself and a friend, but honestly, if they cannot accept me "faults and all" I believe the same result would happen, just later.

    1. What a great insight: that we must make mistakes to learn from them, one way or another! There's no avoiding them on the journey to becoming ourselves.


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