Sunday, May 29, 2016

- Subtle

I'm pretty sure I didn't notice these sweet stars when I pulled the cloth out of the dye pot last year ...

I have no idea what they are/were, but they are destined to be Patch #150.

Note to self: Take notes!


  1. Replies
    1. I am pondering how to echo its fine lines in stitch ... I have some new variegated thread called Vintage Lace that has great potential. Not rushing this ...

  2. these are the kind of marks that just FILL me with happiness......i will
    watch closely as you go forward with this...
    i know stitch is central to the Patch, but this is the kind of
    result that urges me to work with the Inktense pencils

    1. I trust my hand with a needle more than a pen(cil) ... that being said, I've been trying out some stitches on a mending project and as Don looked over my shoulder he asked "Are your hands shaking?" I think I'll end up calling it agita stitch

  3. Wonder-full marks! & your dyed patches are so lovely & tender…there's a wistfulness about them.

    1. Thank you Hazel ... natural dyeing gives such soft colors. I just wish the camera was up to the task of recording them more accurately.


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