Saturday, May 28, 2016

- In the company of friends

I wonder sometimes about blogging. Is it too self-ish (as in, too much about self)?

Then something in the ether becomes real and I understand. Today it was this ...

Velma Bolyard's incredible little book about shifu and botanical printing, within which was this unique treasure, front ...

and back ...

And as I peered closely at the colors, fingering the fold and sniffing to catch a whiff (which wasn't there), I thought I really should do some more dyeing. Which led to thoughts about these neglected gifts from the land, cooked up last summer ...

And so I was off and running (stitching). 

Patch #149 is Salvia amistad ...

about which you can read more by clicking the "Dyestuff: Salvia" link in the Index (right side-bar).

And if you look back over the past few days, you will find I've added other dyed patches as well.


  1. oh i have to start dyeing too, have been rereading jenny dean's wild color, i have no chemistry-wired brain and find it hard to get my head around what i call the 'hard' part of dyeing, the actual know how of it all. persevere is what i say to self

    1. also, blogging isn't selfish, it's communicating and sharing is what it is!

    2. Just finished reading Lab Girl and I'm totally not cut out to do the kind of documentation/record keeping of a true scientist. I much prefer free-styling ...

    3. And learning from others ... which is what I love most about blog-land

  2. the cloths from last summer...ahhhhhhh, yes!

    1. Buried in a pile of cloth ... shame on me! The good thing is I now know which colors persisted, although I can't honestly say yet which of them are lightfast.


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