Sunday, August 7, 2016

- Heading in the right direction

Patch #220 Pointing the way

I must say I'm quite good at thinking up projects for Don to do. For instance, I recently commented that he had made growth charts for G ...

and J ...

when each of them turned two and "Oh, by the way, remember Jace is turning two next month."

So, Meliss was consulted for ideas and she promptly texted pictures of arrow-shaped growth charts (she too is good at coming up with projects for her dad), along with pictures of the room for color matching.

A shopping trip to Lowe's yielded some quarter-round molding and bead board. A little milk paint here ...

a little trimming there ...

and soon enough this somewhat blurry mock-up was sent for preliminary approval ...

Green light!


  1. Lucky grandboys to have such loving artistry to call upon!

    1. We're the lucky ones ... they constantly inspire us!

  2. Much better & more portable than our grungy basement door jamb!

    1. One growth chart has moved to a new home already ... but they haven't been marked (yet). One thing's for sure ... I'll probably be the only family member shorter than the growth charts someday.


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