Saturday, August 6, 2016

- Long, hot summer

Patch #219 Anole

Another week ...

Some things are struggling from too much spring rain followed by too much summer heat ...

But not all. This green anole (Anolis carolinensis) was stretched out on a cholla, enjoying the sun ...

then took a moment to pose for the camera ...


  1. what a beautiful lizard! I always associate Armadillos with Texas, it's the only place I have ever seen them in the wild!

    1. The anoles have a delightful temperament ... not at all shy nor aggressive. As for armadillos, one will be making an appearance in next week's post on One Hill Country Year.

  2. are these the kind that change colors????? i used to have one exactly like
    this as a kid...they sold them at the State Fair.

    1. Yes, they can change to a dusky brown color so they're sometimes mistaken for chameleons. And they are native to the east coast.


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