Sunday, December 18, 2016

- Land of extremes

Patch #353 The color of cold

It's not my most inspired patch, but it does mark the beginning of "drip the tap" season in the Hill Country.  

Yesterday's high was 77 degrees ...

This morning our thermometer read 21 degrees. The math is mind-boggling: a 56 degree drop in 15 hours!

So I'm thinking a possible variation on the Land of Flood and Drought series might be a record of the highs and lows for each day in 2017, from red patches for the triple-digit days to purple patches for the below-freezing days ... and every color of the rainbow in-between.

But first I need to finish this year's projects. I'm still slogging through last month.

November 23 Turning inward

November 24 Self-titled

And here for your viewing pleasure is the latest addition to Don's assemblage herd ...

The end ...

Sorry, couldn't resist.


  1. Never realized you had those wide temperature swings till today, when my son who lives in Houston called me to say it was 36 degrees! He was jogging yesterday in 73 degree weather.

    And all this time I thought Chicago had the lock on wide temperature swings! If it makes you feel better, it's 10 degrees below zero today here.

  2. Crazy weather everywhere these days ... And I'm not feeling much better about your weather woes as we will soon be in St Louis which is almost as bad as Chicago!

  3. The patch parade continues to enchant, and Don's steer is wonderful.

  4. Thanks Dana ... the patches have become a part of my daily life (except when we're with grandkids, at which times I just catch up when we get home). The question now is whether to continue with daily patch projects for 2017 or take on something new.

  5. have a wonderful time celebrating with your family in St Louis

  6. Liz...I would miss your patchplay; however, I totally understand seeking out other avenues. Don's art did not "steer" me wrong. Ha Ha! Please tell him its awesome.

  7. Thanks Mo!

    And Sue ... I'd miss the patchplay, too so I'll be continuing it in some form, but perhaps not daily. Nothing's set in stone (or cloth). Don will surely appreciate your pun and the thought behind it.

  8. Yep ... that's definitely a goat body

  9. So enthralled with Don and your works. I think both of you truely blossomed in retirement, or maybe you were able to work and create at the same time.

  10. Thanks Pam - The feeling is mutual ... dare I hope you might join the blogging community?


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