Saturday, December 17, 2016

- Trip the light fantastic

Patch #352 Tree light-full

It's hard to get good pictures in the dark, but the Wimberley Trail of Lights was so magical that I tried anyway ...

By the way, that "C" floating at the bottom of the picture is the reflective patch on G's jacket!

The tree wasn't as big as the Zilker tree in Austin, but perched on top of a hill, it was definitely higher. In fact, it was so windy up there that G said, "Can I have my hat? I think we're at the North Pole" ...

And I'm not sure, but I think this is a 20' high roadrunner ...

But if you want a better sense of place, just go to the website

There's an over-long drone sequence at the beginning of the video, but all the individual lighted scenes follow and for a little town it's a pretty big deal.


  1. Liz I think you captured the lights beautifully on your black patch. Love it!

  2. Thanks Sue ... I had fun drawing the lines and then deliberately wandering from side to side ... a perfect memory of a windy night when the lights were anything but still!

  3. Catching up here….This is a favorite! You've really caught the magic of the season's light & spirit. It's also funny to see how these light shows really do reflect the area, last year we had a giant banana slug over here!

  4. Thanks Hazel ... and you have me scratching my head wondering what a banana slug might look like in lights!


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