Sunday, December 4, 2016

- What rain will do

Patch #339 Texas wintergrass

No, it's not botanically correct, but what I wanted to remember is what the 3" of rain over the past 48 hours will do. Looking out the window today, the land seemed to be getting greener by the hour. And when we first moved here, I assumed the clumps of green that grew after such late-fall and early-winter rains were sedges.

Until early spring came and the low lying clumps of Texas wintergrass (for that's what they actually were) became long and leggy. They also set long, sharp seed heads, giving rise to their other common name: Texas needlegrass.

We have a book of all (or most) Texas grasses ...

At 1000+ pages, it's a wonderful resource, but for quick reference I also keep this more modest tome handy ...

Since the aforementioned 3" of rain fell throughout the day, I did manage a few more retro-patches.

November 10 Reaching out (for Dee)

using my hand as a model ...

Honestly, when did all those extra lines show up?

November 11 Like a river

for the second of two posts I managed to write that day.

And November 12 Don's (first) longhorn

but definitely not his last!


  1. Replies
    1. Others may have visions of sugarplums, but I imagine prairie grasses

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you ... they have served me well and every line has been well-earned


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