Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Family first. Showing up. These things matter.

And so this, taken at Christopher House hospice ...

a butterfly with a broken wing climbed into G's hands and up his arm ...

Nature's lesson that some things can't be fixed, but that gentleness can suffice for a golden moment.

We grieve the loss of a gentle man, my son-in-law's dad.

Cloth is a consolation. 

Simple repairs to protect four-year old knees ...

A gossamer crib quilt ...

in the process of becoming ...

for a grandchild soon to be born.

This is how life goes.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    The butterfly is so touching.

    What a beautiful flower. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed baby cover.


  2. My sympathy goes out to your family.
    The crib quilt will be exquisite.

  3. In sadness for your family's loss Liz. Holding all of you close as the balance of life comes to the forefront, a dearly departed, a child to come in the spring...

  4. Stephanie, Marti and Mo ... thank you all

  5. could not be more Human, how it is for Us, such
    tenderness and Beauty with the child,
    the baby quilt...that FLOWER....

  6. Children are our consolation and joy

  7. Wishing peace and comfort for you all.

  8. Thank you Hazel ... being together helps

  9. the tenderness of child and nature. seems to contain it all.

  10. I woke in the middle of the night imagining how cloth might hold tenderness and memory

  11. Liz, this is a beautiful post full of emotion and it connects on so many levels. Thank you for your wisdom and go well. xo

  12. Liz, Frank and I send our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. The ebb and flow of the cycles of life. One exits, one soon to enter. The family will live on in its own journey.

  13. sorry to hear and moved by the butterfly offering her broken wing to your tender hearts

  14. I am so sorry for your pain - and also comforted by your way of being with life. Thank you. xo

  15. Sue, Dee, and Morna ... thank you. We are doing what we can to help our son-in-law, daughter and grandson get through this time of loss and change.


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