Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I've been re-working the flowers from the baby quilt debacle, adding thrifted ballet pink linen and trimmings from my mom's 40th anniversary linen dress ...

with the aim of collaborating on a project Don has underway ...

The end product, requested by Meg, is destined to be hung over Parker's crib ...

We'll keep you posted on progress. Not that I expect to get much done over the next few days as our younger daughter Meliss (seen here with our St Louis grands), is heading our way tomorrow ...

to meet her new niece ...

and go swimming with her nephew ...

Just in case there's a bit of free time, I'm bringing along the placket cloth which has progressed ...

And while I was hoping to follow directions in Jody Alexander's book The Boro Aesthetic to create a bag ...

I'm chronically incapable of following "recipes," so I started folding ...

and folding ...

and folding ...

Hmmmm, interesting ...

Or not. I'm never quite sure how things will turn out until I get there.


  1. love the stitched rivers on your placket cloth and the paisley, this bag will be a beauty and those flowers are beautiful look forward to seeing what you two are up to with these beginnings!

  2. Fiona - Easily done! And thanks for the lead to "The Boro Aesthetic" ... I especially liked Jody Alexander's instructions for mending tears, which have come in handy for embellishing the button holes.

    Mo - I'm having a lot of fun free-styling and the color choices, which started out more conservatively with the paisley and Junko Oki-inspired spiral, have morphed into the richer channels of gold and blue. I'm thinking I'll be going back to touch up the original stitching to make it pop a bit more.

  3. Both the flowers and placket cloth are developing beautifully.
    Fun days are in store for you. I like Parker’s thoughtful little face and oh! her dress in the 2nd picture.

  4. What a collaboration between your stitching and Don's magic with wood.
    And, yes, Miss P looks so much like you. Nice photos to cherish of

  5. Grace - I'm so glad you see this in her ... I can usually see resemblances in others, but have a harder time within my own family.

    Stephanie - Thanks much ... and I confess it's been fun getting back to girl clothes after three grandsons.

    Sue - So glad you see the resemblance, too ... and it's fun to have a "partner in crime"

  6. and the longer i look at the flowers, the more and more i love them...

  7. Grace - Cloth in three dimensions has always confounded me (bows, drapes, folds, etc.) so I really had low expectations for this project. I've been pleasantly surprised at how okay these flowers look as I step away from the close-up view.

  8. glad you couldn't follow the directions -- look what you ended up with -- love how the strips slant.

  9. Dee - I'm pretty sure I will follow the directions one of these days, but for this cloth I'm free-stylin'

  10. "instruction-impaired" is another word for "improvisational" BTW

  11. Dee - Exactly! Or should I say in-exactly?


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