Friday, July 20, 2018

A new(er) page 2

As I stitched what was supposed to be page 3 of Moon Myth, the story began to rearrange itself. And so page 3 became page 2 ...

As expected, that in turn influenced page 1 ...

The new page 2 owes much to the artistic influence of Hazel Monte at Handstories, being strewn with stars (which is absolutely harder to do than she makes it look) ...

But as I held the cloth in hand, it became clear the the beautifully figured bit of Deb Lacativa cloth was woefully unstable in its reverse appliquéd state. So I added more bits of Deb's cloth and stitched them down with Deb's magical thread, which is currently available here (but going fast) ...

Once again channeling Hazel's modus operandi as best I could, I ended up with a serviceable Mother Earth ...

Thank goodness for Kindred Spirits!


  1. put my name down for a signed copy of this book!

  2. Grace ... of course I've revised it three times since hitting the publish button

    Mo ... Ha! I wonder if I'll ever get to a final draft (see above)

    Thank you both for the vote of confidence.

  3. A few pieces of cloth and the soft Mother Earth has bulked up in a very good way, a way that invites exploration and imagination; a way to dream of a world where the land, the sky, the oceans, are filled with stories to tell...all wrapped up in what is going to be a marvelous myth of a book.

  4. Marti - thank you for the continued encouragement ... now if I can just keep going instead of circling back on what has already been done (sigh)

  5. this is so marvelous! your Mother Earth is so amazing, love the story, the whole book!!

  6. Susan - Thank you ... I've long been intrigued by Hazel's ability to meld mere shreds into something whole ... it was much more fun than I expected

  7. Liz...oh my! The Sun and the Moon are absolutely phenomenal!!!!!!!!
    Your design, creativity and workmanship are SHINING! No pun intended. So happy for you in your happy spot.

  8. OH, Liz! This grows more and more wonderful! Your stars are glittering waves of delight! And what is the cool stitch around Mother Earth, a running stitch circle with cross-stitch?

  9. Sue - Your words make me happier still

    Hazel - I will have to do some process shots as I want to remember how I worked the edge of Mother Earth. Thank you again for inspiring so much of page 2

    Jude - thank you doesn’t begin to say it all

  10. Oh, I most definitely want a signed copy too! Your storytelling and artistry are amazing. I especially love how we learn from and support one another (as in you channeling Hazel)...beautiful. What a life!

  11. Nancy - Lucky are we ... but goodness, now I really do need to keep moving ahead!

  12. Hazel - until I can stitch another, here’s the shorthand version: I pinned together two layers of cloth for reverse appliqué ... drew a circle on the top cloth then did a detached backstitch about 1/8” farther out. Cut the circle out on the drawn line (using Jude’s pinch, pull and snip method). Diagonal stitched from backstitch to edge all the way around in one direction, then crossed all the stitches going in the other direction. Much more fun than blanket stitch (which always makes me feel like I’m all thumbs)

  13. Those stars...
    The response to the cloth in the hand...
    The rearranging to be simpatico with what went before and what follows...

  14. Fiona - thank you ... it has been great fun trying out new ways of playing with cloth

  15. Just loving this. Each time so well-depicted. A sense of story telling extraordinaire! And, as to adopting another's technique or subject matter, it is always very obvious how different we are as makers...

  16. Dee - thank you ... I do try to give credit where it is due, but I sometimes wonder if attribution is appreciated or cringeworthy ;)


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