Saturday, July 21, 2018

Speaking of time

This was the original page 2, but it works much better as page 3 ...

With thanks to Deb Lacativa for the variegated grays ...


  1. love how you caught the fleetingness of time

  2. Thanks Mo ... as Deb’s threads varied I sometimes found myself stitching light on light or dark on dark. My initial impulse was to “fix it” but then I realized it was a perfect metaphor for those times that slip by unnoticed

  3. You really have a great sense of design.

  4. Hazel - I shake my head even as I type out a humble thank you ...

  5. Such a labor of love on your part and for us who view as well...just the love part as no labor involved in viewing your magic. Pure joy instead. You "can only go forward". Yes & deep sigh.

  6. Beautiful. I love how the numbers arc and circle and make their way - we follow and wonder and continue...

  7. Nancy - I've decided to let go of the terms patchwork and needlework in favor of patchplay and needleplay. And I'm pleased that you picked up on the significance of "only go forward." The rest of the book hangs on that line.

    Susan - your cheering from the ether makes my day!

    Fiona - thank you for traveling through, leaving good thoughts in your wake


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