Saturday, November 24, 2018

Braille for the sky

With a nod to Mo for inspiring the title of this post, here's where I am with the first of two "endpapers" for Moon Myth ...

The moon phases, not yet attached, were made by piercing handmade paper
with a needle and then gently pushing the resulting shapes out ... 

creating softly feathered edges ...

The night sky was made from a thrift store linen dress which had bias-cut strips seamed together ...

I folded the cloth over and visibly basted two layers together with Jude's glue stitch worked in size 8 perle cotton, creating a wonderfully textured front ...

and (as always) a wild and crazy looking back ...

Don just walked in and said, "that's cool."

Yeah, I'm thinkin' it is, too.


  1. cool is right. those luscious tattered moon edges... the sky full of stars. how very very nice.

  2. How paper can be fabric! Amazing.

  3. Thanks all ... and Sue, that "paper" has so much cloth fiber it probably qualifies as felt

  4. I could lay back and look at your sky all night! I've used the same stitching on my pennant for Mo's project. I think of it as: When invisible baste becomes thread beads :)

  5. Nancy - yes, that’s it exactly! I just can’t imagine where I’d be without Jude’s innovations!


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